(That’s “DC Animated Universe” for the non-initiated.)
THE GOOD: A Teen Titans DTV release (Teen Titans Tokyo) is coming. A Legion of Super-Heroes animated series is coming. Teen Titan, Justice League, and Superman: The Animated Series DVD sets are coming.
THE BAD: Justice League Unlimited wraps up this year. Waah. At least DVDs of that are coming, too.
THE UGLY: A Superman: The Animated Series DTV movie (Superman: Braniac Attacks) is coming. The part-good is the return of the STAS voice artists for Lois (Dana Delany) and Supes (Tim Daly). The bad is Powers Booth replacing Clancy Brown as Luthor. The downright ugly is Lance Henrickson as a shouting, growling Braniac (replacing Corey Burton’s unnaturally calm computer voice). Bleah. I’m holding off pre-ordering this. See (and hear) the trailer here.
LSH hopefully a Timm thing based on the bits of them that popped up in Superman and all. Not the current version. *crosses fingers*
There’s a LoSH ep of JLU coming up Real Soon Now, so presumably it’s based on that.