
2005-12-06_down.jpgIn response to a request from Puck Bunny, Psi-Clone and Amorpha joined a team with her, Kinetica, Noelle Frost, and Shock.Therapy — with, for a while, Agent Seven and Kessa, too — to take on first Anti-Matter, then Marauder, then various and sundry Carnies.
Not bad. It’s a fun group to play with (even if Noelle was all angsty over the Kid Galahad thang). We had a few deaths (Anti-Matter was the toughest, by far, abetted tactically by some “I’m feeling suicidal” roleplay and a bit of Level 50ness), but ultimately prevailed, and both PC and A. dinged to 42. Huzzah.
Ran off to do some scheduled RP with Midnite Tempest, only to be interrupted by a critical call from work. Alas.

23 thoughts on “Teamed”

  1. Yeah…
    It was the Nova that he set off that took out all but two of the Team that really hurt us. Fighting, Fighting, Dead and looking at a lot of black and two red on the team panel.

  2. Yeah. That Nova was pretty darned exciting. And there I stood (or lay) without a rez. Fortunately, Shock was able to get me up, and I was able to keep A. alive for the rest of the battle (including dragging the last of my greens over to her).
    The above pick is actually from the “Noelle runs suicidally into the first room full of evil radioactive robot groups” encounter. 🙂

  3. Ahhh Yes.
    To paraphrase Firefly:
    Little Noelle just gets more colorful by the moment. What’ll she do next?
    Either blow us all up or rub soup in her hair. It’s a toss-up.
    I hope she does the soup thing. It’s always a hoot, and we don’t all die from it.

    It was some great RP, but it did keep the rest of us on our toes, and made Minime’s little incendent pale by comparison. It was agood evening.
    Now that you two leveled (42’s?) Puck, Amorpha and Psi need to do a lot more missions together.

  4. Yuppers. Esp. now that the Eden Trial is non-XP. *sigh*
    We might have to start looking at Shadow Shard bits.

  5. I think that’s just about the nicest thing anyone’s ever said about me. I’ll put my order in for a couple cases of soup right away.
    But seriously, thanks again for putting up with my RP-ness. Hope I didn’t bring the rest of you down too much.

  6. There were a few moments … but I think we managed to adapt, gameplay-wise. (I just dropped Noelle in priority for rezzes. 🙂 )
    And it gave us a few moments breather between the mishes, without dragging on too long.

  7. Just so you know, there was some sort of plan in there. I usually hit the mobs with my big group hold when I rushed in, so even if they took me out, most of them would at least be held. Though I felt very guilty when other folks died too, and I’m glad you rezzed them first!

  8. Yep…
    I noticed it…it was just a bit like running after a small child that sees something shiny. 🙂
    I tried to get you bubbled up first…so that you would at least survive long enough so that Seven or Shock could heal you.
    I was out of Debt by the End of the first Clownie mission, so no worries. Not like the debt caused by Callypsa back at 33 (Oh look…there *is* a debt ceiling…shiny. :-/).
    Good RP with fun people is worth Debt I think.

  9. True. And that was visible.
    The one room where we really had problems (see picture) the group ended up drawing aggro from the platform above, which hadn’t gotten held. (Note the incoming fire coming down on Agent’s head.) Amorpha hopped up there by herself to try to handle it and went down, and I just got hit too many times to heal myself and others and lock down the shooters. I don’t know if you actually drew them or if folks rushing in did, but …
    Ah, well. 🙂

  10. Most likely it was either Phred, Minime, or Jack. No biggie really, it is the one of the problems of that and a couple of the other Tech rooms with over hangs and walkways.

  11. Might have been Phred — I ran pretty far into the room to do heals (which I actually spent a huge amount of my time doing, ahem).
    That might also have been one of the ones when the Invis came down mid-fight. That wouldn’t help.
    It actually was sort of funny/daunting lying on the ground and watching someone(s) plastering Agent Seven from above, over and over, while he ran around healing people.

  12. Now, you know you’re giving me a wonderful idea for an RP scene with Psi-Clone, Dave. I mean, if you’re going to make me feel this guilty, the *least* I can do is let Noelle in on it, too.

  13. Honestly, that was one of the most fun couple of missions that I’ve been on in a long while with the Agent. Never a dull moment, for sure 🙂 My mantra was “Fort, Heal, Rez…..Fort, Heal, Rez…” hehe

  14. Hrm. Ignore the “one of” after “was”….quick typing at work just doesn’t cut it…*sigh*

  15. Dave…
    Feel free to channel Mariska…she is always on call. ;P
    Or, if not Mariska…Noah.

  16. Yeah… I was kicking myself after Anti-Matter did his Atomic Blast and took almost everyone down.
    That is one of those things that I normally go out of my way to say ((OOC: Who has fought him before? Okay, he ‘booms’ so unless you have more then 1200 HP or some good resistances, don’t be in short attack range to him.)) and it completely slipped my mind that time.
    Thankfully, very few do that. The only ones off-hand I can think of who do are Anti-Matter, Psychic Clockwork King, Nightstar and Ruladak (though his is more of a footstomp/damage aura).

  17. It was actually kind of funny. I was close (closer than I really should have been, as far as that went) so that I was sure my area heal etc. would catch Amorpha.
    And then, all of a sudden, low-perspective, watching Kin slowly sink to her knees, and a lot of black and red bars on the team window. Hee.
    My mantra was Direct Heal, Area Heal, Blind, Spectral Wound, quick look to see if anything else interesting has come up.

  18. Wark.
    Missed it, broadcasting live from another server.
    Sounds like a blast!

  19. Really folk my only problem with the 1200+ points of damage was that I rarely care more than a couple heal inspirations. 🙂 When all the healers went down and I was relying on my limited self-healing powers and 2 green chicklettes – well we all know the outcome of that.
    Next to all the squishies I did feel and act like a tank. (Not always in my own self interest)

  20. Bah.
    1200+ points of damage is quite a blast.
    I’m overdue for a dirtnap, as I’ve been sleeping poorly.

  21. There’s a reason I usually prioritize my buffs for Amorpha over anyone else in the party. She’s usually the person on point in the melee …
    (At least, I prefer her to be.)

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