Tonight was the LE Meet-n-Beat, which very much lived up to its name. The LE focus on PvP in the various zones that allow for that, and sundry Alliance folks (including Psi-clone) joined up to patrol Warburg with them in two teams.
Okay, first off, confirmed every suspicion I’ve ever had about PvP, i.e., unless you’re someone who’s crafted your character for it, it’s pretty much an exercise in frustration. Unless you like getting gacked by high-level stalkers (or are one yourself).
On the other hand, it did allow for play of a scenario that would not be possible (or, if possible, would not be nearly as fun) in a PvE zone, one which has a long tradition in comics history, to wit: Oh my God! Those aren’t the Longbow Elite! They’re evil robots made up to look like the Longbow Elite and designed to assassinate the Alliance leadership!
Hilarity ensued, especially with those of us who weren’t in on the initial plan. And fun for all that. Certainly made the experience worth it.
Outside of that, played the afternoon and night with Mr. Ravenous and Charity, who dinged 15 and 14 respectively. Yay!
Roll Call
Current status on characters: 48 – Psi-clone: Very light play over the last week. Played around with the Elite Boss downgrade for small groups, which worked pretty well. HeroStats dithered a lot, but we’re about 19h from levelling to 49,…