Will the last one posting please turn off the lights …?

Since the AoC boards are supposed to “die” some time around the 24th, I took the opportunity to finish saving what material I wanted onto my hard drove — mostly “File / Save Page As” stuff in Firefox for (a) character profiles, (b) TF write-ups and similar bits, and (c) some of the more interesting blocks of chat and discussion.

The “Oh, by the way, we’re closing” forum has actually been deleted, probably because it was gathering swarms of spam. At least one other board did get opened back up, I saw, in case there are any last words. Oddly enough, the title of the forum has changed to “The Tale of Two Cities” (which sounds like a nice way of framing the CoH/CoV worlds, though I suspect that was not intentional — perhaps it’s a “best of times/worst of times” reference).

At any rate, that’s done enough to put a fork in it.

Now, I need to get off my ass and start dong some CoJ stuff on the new forum … after this weekend.

4 thoughts on “Will the last one posting please turn off the lights …?”

  1. Well, I’ve thrown some CoJ and Storm Knights forum space up in my own forum area. Nothing particularly interesting or pretty or professional, and I’ve no idea where, if anywhere, it will go, but there it is.

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