“I’m too young to repsec!”

Rrg. Just going through 12-13, I could tell that going the No Real Travel Powers for /Kin Controller route with Unchained Path was going to drive me batty. The Superspeed route is going to be tough enough — faux Superspeed coupled with having to find someone to Siphon Speed from every 60 seconds? Bah.

“But, honey, I just got Recall Friend with Idzuna — I can bring you to the mission.”

Yes, because I want to annoy you, too, while twiddling my thumbs. You can bring me to the mission. The gates. The stores. You can wipe my chin, too. Bah.

“Well, you get Inertial Reduction soon, don’t you? That’s supposed to be like Super Jump.”

Yes, at level 28. Shoot me now.

I know that some folks have done this, very proud of managing it and saving two power slots. And heaven knows that Ice/Kin needs all the slots it can get. But … no. Not for me.

Good thing I have all these respecs lying around …

5 thoughts on ““I’m too young to repsec!””

  1. Y’know… I did this on Markov. I just hit 28 last weekend.
    Yes, having Superjump is nice. Yes, it’s less annoying. But still… Did I need a real travel power until then? No, I did not. I had a couple temp flight powers that got me from 10th to 28 (with 5.5 minutes of time left over) — flight combined with siphon speed (which actually lasts 2 minutes, I believe, or three — it’s Increase Density that’s practically over before it’s begun), you get pretty much get anywhere quick enough — if you can get the temp Superjump power that’s out there in the lower-level Mayhem/Safegaurd missions, that’s even better — it’s so much faster than flight, you’ll never used the timer up.
    I’m just saying… I did it, and I am NOT a patient person. Granted, going between missions on CoV is usually a lot faster — the maps just seem smaller than in CoH, and there are fewer OF them for each level range — but…
    Hmm. That’s all I’ve got to add.

  2. In my experience with using Kin as secondary, I’ve tried waiting, I’ve tried using the temp powers (which, granted, help a LOT). What I have found works best?
    I write two build plans: one for pre-28 and one for post-28. It just seems to be the easiest and most no-fuss way to deal, especially for duo’ing.
    /my two cents

  3. Your comment, Lela, ties in with Margie’s — “we can always respec.” Though that gets you in trouble if you RSK.
    I do have my jet pack from the first Safeguard mish. Margie used hers with abandon — I horded every second of it used so far. I’m like that; it’s why I have tons of temp powers on all my higher-level toons. “What if I use it up, and then I *really* need it?”
    I’m sure there’s a psych study out there that would find that (or me) a useful subject.
    According to CoH Hero Builder (not an infallable source), Siphon Speed duration is 60 seconds. That ties in with my general observation, and with a couple of other Guides I looked up. Irritatingly short (since I spend the last 15 seconds looking for the next target).
    I do know it’s doable, because people have done it. In some ways, doing it solo would be easier (nothing to gauge against). Just learning it’s not my cuppa.

  4. I’m like you in that I hoard my temp powers. In fact, they’re kinda the answer I give myself to the rSK question. Keep in mind, though, that with the exception of TFs/SFs where you’re auto-exemped, you can always un-rSK when travelling between missions.

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