Double XP Weekend


Having had such success with a Scrapper/Scrapper duo, we try out a Blaster/Blaster duo. Get them up to about level 8 and decide, no, that’s really not all that much fun.


Sign on with Hildy and Torchy and basically spend the afternoon bumping them up from 46 to 47. Woot! Also spend the afternoon fending off “Do you want to mid? Will get you to 50 real fast? Mid? Pweeeze?” requests, usually about one ever 5-10 minutes. Yeesh.

Oh, also fend off the Kronos Titan, as we continued with the Crimson arc. Yikes. Gathered together a quick ad hoc team, and broadcast to get another team, and eventually took that puppy down. In the meantime, Torchy died twice, Hildy once. Ah, well.

In the evening, we tried another duo experiment — All Brute/Brute Action! — but it didn’t quite gel. Haven’t given up, but …


This is supposed to be my 2nd Anniversary, according to the NCSoft page — doe the magical “Oooh, Veteran Rewards” stuff take place the next day? Hrm.

Anyway, we focused in the afternoon and evening on Torchy and Hildy again. We finished up Margie’s older Nemmie arc, and finished up the Crimson arc, too (including the final Kronos Titan war walls grind). Big money, big prizes. Started doing Portal Corp. mishes, and ended up dinging to 48, which made a nice way to end up the weekend.

Overall, pretty successful, I think. Tried a few things, went back to a successful team, played a fair amount but not obsessively. Had fun. Hard to beat that.

A few photo shots:


2007-01-27_kronos1aboveOnce the Kronos Titan was loose (and after Torchy had already died once), Hildy tried to guide it out toward the zone entrance gate (and the police bots), while Torchy flew hiiiiiiigh overhead. Ultimately, it wouldn’t budge far enough, requiring calling in a team.


2007-01-28_torchy-wingsAfterwards, Torchy, having gotten a new security level, and tired of dying, contacted her dad (the dragon) for some dragon mojo that might help avert the condition. He gave her some (Rise of the Phoenix), but it had … irritating results.


Cammie Kandachi, the Lightning Kami, and Ana Kojiki, the Sunlight Kami (a/k/a Electrical Melee Brute and Energy Melee Brute). Kami just wanna have fun.


2007-01-28_kronos2Clash against the Kronos Titan (again, in-mish). Torchy is sniping. Hildy is … um … underfoot. Literally.

2 thoughts on “Double XP Weekend”

  1. Let me reiterate, by the way, the huge number of request to mid that Torchy got, generally from the time she signed on to the time she signed off. On a team? Made no difference. Respond with silence? Had folks send follow-up messages. Reply no? Got requests from some folks after a half hour or so (as they were obviously still looking).
    Most of the requesters were actually polite — asking in a nice way, sending a “np ty gl” when I turned them down, etc. But, still, yeesh.
    . . .
    I am, btw, very pleased with having dinged two levels out of the way with Hildy/Torchy. And relatively painlessly, too (though there were a couple of occasions where we had our hats, severely scorched, handed to us). It was a good reminder, after Rita/Runt, of how much fun the tank/blaster team can be (at least in this iteration). I think we’ll be playing more of them.
    . . .
    The advantage of Portal Corp missions: You don’t have to worry about ambushes on exit.

  2. Looks like I chose a bad week …

    … to take Rise of the Phoenix as my lvl 47 power. Quoth Castle: As far as I know the invul period has always been broken, the sad part is the christmas event rez actually had a working invul period…

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