
Masterminds!My own experience with Masterminds has been fairly limited but not all that great — Mr. Thorne was more of a concept character, and I ended up really disliking both Mercs and (again) Dark — but Margie has done quite a bit of soloing with them, so we decided to give it a whirl with a duo.

Great fun.

I played The Gifted Kid (Robots/FF), the young evil genius who got bullied a lot until, well, he killed them all, bwah-ha-ha. Margie did Special Educator (Thugs/Dark), whose goal is to teach her boys some very special lessons …

Together, they commit crime!

Managed to get both of them up to over 14 over the course of the weekend. Neither of us died once, I don’t believe (though I have never gone into so many missions that had mobs posted on the door), and, in fact, we didn’t really have too many troubles with anyone (which makes me think we need to bump up the difficulty).

For me, I enjoyed Force Fields because, well, at this level most of what I do is stand around, manage the targeting and position of the ‘bots, and spam off Force Bolts to keep the boss on his butt. Only rarely do I get targeted, which is hard to object to, and the boys throw out plenty of firepower (when focused) to keep things moving along nicely.

Good times.

Though let me say — Lab Coat has got to be the clippiest piece of clothing out there. Hands, butt, even chest symbol clip through it. Yeesh.

4 thoughts on “Masterminds!”

  1. Ive Got a Ninja/TA Mastermind. I don’t think I’ve the temperment to watch minions do my bidding. I always wind up in the thick of things.

  2. As much as I enjoy the Scrapper/Brute routine (or even the “Look at me!” Tanker kind of stuff, I think I’m a controller at heart, and have no problem working behind the lines.

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