A couple of nice people I encountered

So I played hooky today, after a very long (very fun, but very long) weekend. And, yes, I spent most of the (waking) day playing CoX, because I was just in that kind of “burn some time doing something fun” kind of mood.

And so I need to compliment two players I ran into PUGging during the day.

1. Dr. Bearnard, a large, bear-shaped, lvl 25 Defender on Virtue, who shepherded / supported a band of Lvl 3-4 characters through the Sewers from Atlas, down to the bottom, and up again to Kings Row, offering heals, but, as important, congratulating each character by name when they leveled. And, when we were most of the way back up, teleported the whole crew to the exit. The character was very supportive, polite, and made the Sewers death-march almost pleasant (not to mention profitable), without at all trying to be the boss. Molly Morningway thanks you, Doc.

2. Cut-Up, a lvl 42-or-so Dual-Blades Tank on Freedom, who invited me on to help finish a mish when folks were dropping from the original team because of problems … and, when it turned out to be just him and me, went out of his way to find something we could do (with me down at 39), eventually leading us to do a few of the Midnighter missions. Very hospitable. Miss Crackle gives you a smile and a wink, Cut-Up.

On the flip side, Molly found herself this evening with the rump-end of a group where most folks had to run. She’s managed not to get a bank mish yet, so she didn’t have a travel power and was at 11. And she was given the star.


So, still in Kings Row, she recruited for the mish, got a group of eight, carefully explained how she wanted the mish to go (“Let’s street sweep on our way to the bank, since not everyone has a travel power yet. Yes, we have plenty of time to do that.”) … and ended up running after everyone who was charging at full tilt toward the next goal.

Still managed to survive, get a temp travel power, two side missoins, and enough XP to level to 12. Fortunately, Margie came home about then, and I could duck out.

There’s a reason I never ask for the star …

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