CoX – Making … and losing … money

Okay, I confess, I’m spending a goodly time hanging at Wentworths and doing crafting and all that. I’m not as fanatical about it as some, and sometimes it’s an “I have some free time but don’t want to sign off, so let’s just do something” activity, but I’m still at least mildly hooked. Honestly speaking, it’s the money/influence. Even though everyone swears up and down you don’t need XOs and IOs to make an effective character, I still feel like I’m missing out on something when I don’t actually sell that Deific Weapon for 4 million at auction. And as long as I’m doing that … well, heck, I got this recipe dropped on me and I have almost all the ingredients … and …


The problem is, of course, I’m an altaholic, which means I have plenty of characters to do this with. Even just looking at my main duos with Margie, we have several that we cycle between.

It is a little-known fact that auction stuff gets flushed after, oh, something like 30 days of inactivity.

You see where I’m going.

Yes, with various hiatuses in playing, there have been times when I’ve returned to a character — “45 day ago” — only to discover that all that money I had invested in bidding on stuff has essentially vanished. Basically, if a transaction was accomplished (as they almost always are over time), then that “bought” or “sold” has vanished after the expiry date, taking with it the item or the influence.


Now we know why I’m not a Day Trader in Real Life.

4 thoughts on “CoX – Making … and losing … money”

  1. See, they need to have an in game mail system so that you can mail all of your bits and pieces to one alt and use them for all auctions. It is what I did WoW, or have it be like in EQ2 where if something sells, it is waiting for you the next time you check the broker, not matter how long it has been.

  2. I try to have only one alt per server who is actively making money. I also have a list of alts that are playing the market. When I have a free moment I work my way down the list, so everyone is fresh.

  3. Yeah, I kind of have that (and I have folks segregated at the top of the now-sortable server lists). I just lost track of time.

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