
Katherine made up another character on Guardian (Get it? We’re her guardians, so we play with her on Guardian? It was Margie’s clever idea), Storm Ice Girl, which is not very catchy, but pretty much describes what kind of Controller she is (Ice primary, Storm secondary). She loves to blow people away with the gust of wind …
She’s not adept at the mouse yet, which I man, but she handles the nav keys and the fire keys for the powers. Oh, and she bounces a lot.
And as long as she only wants to wear that Metal Witchblade Bikini in-game, I have no problem with it.
Meanwhile, I have, as Margie gleefully puts it, caught scrapperitis, characterized by the need to build and run scrappers. To that end, I’ve sadly dropped Suzy Atom (who was really an energy tanker I was trying to run as a scrapper), and built the goth “problem child” Lynn Calodo, a Dark/Invuln scrapper with a bad attitude.
Doyce, at least, will get the joke.
Pictures to follow.
LC is intended (for a while at least) to be an afternoon “solo” character, on those occasions between my getting home/off work with Kitten and Margie getting home. I don’t really have many other good solo characters — I think Scrappers lend themselves best to that, and OFFICER is still having power problems.
And, hell, I’ve fallen in love with the Dark Scrapper powers (but intentionally avoided the Dark/Regen and Dark/Dark pairings that Margie has already “staked out”). Kittenyboo is a Dark/SR, but I don’t play her that much, for obvious reasons.
We’ll see how she does.
UPDATE: Oh, so true …

3 thoughts on “Altmania!”

  1. Yes, I saw the new alt on-line last night.
    Why am I different? Everybody else has a full roster of alts, and I only have two (well, three, but Power Fists was only active when my friend joined the game and needed a low-level buddy), and one is only played infrequently, when his brother (the aforementioned friend) is online.
    I seem to be much more emotionally invested in my main character. He’s the one I’m really interested in playing. I care about what happens to him, and how others react to him. Is it because I identify so closely with him (especially after last night’s RP session, which I’m mentioning way too often, which is probably a bad sign)?
    How do the rest of you split your attention among eight characters? Why don’t you feel as if you’re neglecting your “main” (if you even have a character you consider your “main”)?

  2. Puck is my main.
    The others are all about mood really, and what I am in the mood to do either RP or game wise.
    Roben is for when I feeling really goofy, and/or feeling like I need to beat the crap out of things.
    Zazi, for when I tired of being a controller and need to do the scrapper thing.
    Ciunas is just ciunas…just an other mood.

  3. There’s definitely a pressure/sense of neglecting some in favor of others. (It’s akin to the “OMG, everyone else is so outlevelling us, sniff, we’ve been abandoned, we will be like n00bs” feeling.)
    On the other hand, as BD notes, different characters are good for different moods, or when I feel like doing something different. (Margie’s probably more fickle/varying about this than I am, but I’m usually ready to respond.)
    I guess it’s like my life — I have way too many balls up in the air to juggle them all effectively, so I might as well do the same with my alts.
    I don’t know, though, whether you’re all that unique, Avo. It seems that most of the players I know have just one main, especially their first character that becomes “successful.” The time/emotional investment is a big part of that, to be sure. I don’t know many people who juggle as many characters as Margie and I do.

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