After I hit 45, I went broke getting my powers all up to green and white. So I ran the past few days with Psi-clone outside of SG mode, so I was actually getting influence instead of prestige (plus whatever I sold).
So after I dinged 46 last night, I went and sold off my stuff and checked it out …
Wow! 3.7 mil. No problem.
Level 45 SOs (which are now yellow to me)? The cheapest (e.g., Fear) are 46K. Accuracy is 108K. Recharge Redux is “only” 100K.
Of course, to get to white, I needed to buy 19 Recharge Redux. Half the account, right there. Throw in some more-expensive Heals and Accuracies, and …
Well, time to try that old /em panhandle command again.
I tend to switch off every other mission between making money and making prestige.
Allow me, by the way, to express my deep gratitude to the Devs for “Enhancement Diversification,” which allowed me to go from having 6 recharges in Haste to having 25-odd recharges scattered amongst my powers. Diversity indeed.
(Granted, some of those I would have had added RecReds in — the long cycle buffs, etc. Still, it’s ended up chewing up at least as many slots as it’s gotten me to toss odd enhancements into other powers.)
If you need some pocket change, look up Avocet. The recent respec (leaving him with only 3 unclaimed ones) cost me a chunk, but he’s still sitting on about 23 mil.
W00T! Ch-ching!
I mean … awfully generous of you, old bean.
Of course, with the present 99,999 limit on influence transfer, it’s almost too painful to consider giving any substantial amount. 🙂