Positron Speaks!

Transcripty sort of thing from an interview with Matt Miller (Positron) — or, at least, a few key items (to me) from that.

Think fast paced combat makes game unique, prided themselves on making game where you didn’t fight one thing at once all the time. Happy that could make 3 minions challenge 1 hero.

Wanted to make travel as easy as possible…

Favorite villain group: “…huh. Probably…oh man. Blanking out. … I can’t even think of one right now.”

Least favorite villain group would be Malta “for the same reason everybody else hates them–the sappers. Everyone can blame me for the Sappers.”

Felt that since End was a non-issue after L35, he wanted End to become an issue again.

Least favorite and most favorite, since do offer different playstyle in combat, you actually have to think about them when you’re fighting them.

Another reworked zone on the schedule, not at liberty to say what it is yet, but it’s going to be a cooperative hero/villain zone.

Forum poll a few months back asking where players wanted next new setting; we have the results, and we have on the schedule a new zone that basically is the result of that poll, which we’re not at liberty to say what that is yet, but we are definitely laying hints toward it.

“Do you see CoH going beyond L50?” Not anytime soon, if we raise it again, we just get asked when it’s going to be raised again after that. Wants to add endgame content, stuff that makes you a “better” level 50. Invention system is what’s going to be doing for that. Lots of enh that will make you “better level 50s”. More variety, more diverse sets of enhancements so characters are different.

No plans for new signature character contests, would love to have player-created contest prizes to make it in. Player-created badges, for instance. Still working on logistics of that. Would like to see that be prize for upcoming contest.

Villain Kheldians? Not in Issue 8. Haven’t decided what issue they’ll be in yet, still trying to figure out how much work it will be to make them work on villain side. Just had discussion about it on Thurs again to figure out what it will take.

Ballista acts like Bubble energy tank. Any plans on getting something like that for Tanks or Brutes? We have plans on moving a lot of power sets around, getting them to classes that don’t have them, probably in mid-2007.

5th Column coming back? Do have plans for 5thC returning, want to make sure their re-emergence is a spectacular one, don’t want to have them just “show up.”

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