Anniversary Time

It’s the first anniversary of CoV (who’da thunk?). Some interesting notes from the new community rep, Lighthouse:

I know there has been some confusion regarding the 1 year anniversary badge for City of Villains. This badge will be given out to everyone logging into the game from November 2nd, when the Trick or Treating Halloween event ends, through the end of November. I understand there was a brief time this morning (Nov. 1) when the badge was turned on, but given that handing out the badge can’t be on with the Trick or Treating on, and we wanted to give the full time we had posted for Trick
or Treaters to get their last minute turn-ins and badges through the end of November 1st, we had to turn the badge off. To reiterate, everyone logging in from the end of Trick or Treating through the end of November will be receiving the City of Villains Anniversary badge.

Also, to clarify further, both Heroes and Villains will receive the 1 year anniversary CoV badge when they log in under the above mentioned time period.

Interresting that heroes are getting it, too.

And someone caught something interesting in the above:

Wait. What? I thought the contacts for turning these in were supposed to remain up after the event? Are Anna and Granny going to disappear tonight as well?

It is my understanding that the contacts will be going away when the event is turned off. However, they will be back full time when issue 8 goes to the live servers.

So in case you haven’t turned in that salvage yet …


3 thoughts on “Anniversary Time”

  1. Oh….
    I have collected tons and put them into storage for folks.
    But, then I have heard that I8 is live the friday after next, so not that much of a wait.
    Also, a thought.
    The locations of Granny and Annah were in the locations of the 5th slot contacts prior to the halloween event, so maybe they will just revert to those two contacts and the salvage will still be able to be turned in.
    Thankfully I was able to get the extra slot on those that I wanted the slot on, and now I am waiting for the I8 costume pieces to use them.
    Though I did do a Puck up in a Silver Age Cat Woman costume (the Purple version).

  2. And to quote (for those too lazy to click through):

    The Halloween Event was in Issue 7 and by default Issue 8 as well.
    The two contacts, Granny Beldam and Annah were supposed to “stick around”, i.e. become permanent parts of the game, after the event was over. This way new characters could get the extra costume slot if they got a hold of all the Halloween Salvage.
    It was set up this way in Issue 8.
    For the Issue 7 version of the event, the contacts were only supposed to “appear” when the event was turned on, that way they wouldn’t be around for 2 months before the event.
    Yeah, that didn’t work so great, a bug had them show up (with their placeholder models no less) long before Halloween.
    Of course that bug was fixed, but the damage was already done. Soon before Halloween, the two contacts disappeared (as they always should have), only to reappear when the event was going. When the event is not going, the contacts disappear. This is what is happening currently.
    Now when I8 goes live, Annah and Granny Beldam will be back, ready to grant costume slots to any person who has a set of the Halloween salvage on them.
    With that out of the way…
    We can’t run two global events simultaneously… in other words, no “Anniversary badge” can be given out while “Halloween” is running. What happened yesterday morning was a test to see if the script for the Anniversary badge was working on live servers… the answer was yes, and then Halloween was put back on for the rest of the day.
    Any character who logs into the game in the month of November will get the CoV anniversary badge… Elusive for villains, and Pursuer for heroes.

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