Alt-itis flare-up

Been doing a lot with sub-10 characters of late, playing with power sets I’ve never used (or not used for a long time).

Managed to create what looked like a completely naked girl (except for her cowboy hat) by going with white outfits and white skin.  Yeah, that shouldn’t work (and, of course, it was missing little anatomical details, like toes, that would have made her look “real”).  I decided not to do anything with her, since I really didn’t feel like (a) attracting the attention that I would have, and (b) getting a petition slammed on my head.

I did end up pulling out a Lvl 2 character I created probably my first week in CoH and never went back to — a stone golem (Stone/Stone Tank) with an Egyptian head-dress named Mr. Thebes (“They call me MISTER Thebes!”).  Margie and I had fun PUGging around, but I don’t see doing much with him in the future — Stone Armor, like Dark Armor, seems to be a huge management bother (“Hmmm, Left-Handed Mutants with Red Electrical Attacks — I’d better pull out my Slate/Amethyst Armor, Jeeves”).  Visually, though, a lot of fun.

6 thoughts on “Alt-itis flare-up”

  1. I think it was “Miss Prairie” (for the hat). I didn’t put a lot of effort into the name as I was pretty sure I was going to delete her. Margie suggested I really ought to have given her cowboy boots, too.

  2. She usually is. 🙂
    There’s a French phrase something like “words on the stairs,” for that witty rejoinder you think of for a conversation long after it’s over (i.e., as you’re leaving the place you should have thought of it).
    I think CoX needs something similar for “The costume tweak you realize you should have gone for after you’ve already hit ‘Enter Outbreak’ (or, worse, after you’ve finished Outbreak).”

  3. Hey! I found your blog the other day and am really enjoying reading through it all. I just started playing CoV this past week. I’m still on the free trial which ends Saturday, I probably will purchase the game.
    I’ve never seen a game that promotes alt-itis so much. Though I am already rather tired of the starting missions. So far I have 3 characters 8,11,12 and a few 2s. I am really annoyed that wings have to be bought. I was reading the comments on your other blog entry and couldn’t believe a company actually wants to promote exclusivity, since that’s what’s so wrong with some other MMOs.
    But the game is still “new” to me so I’m having tons o fun. Mainly sticking to villains for the lack of the “holy trinity” classes which I really like. It makes me feel freer and like I’m able to do what I want.
    I have one character on Pinnacle and 2 on Virtue which I’m having fun on looking for more RP. My global name is Bacteriord say hi.

  4. Hi Yunk/Bacteriord. Glad you’re enjoying CoV. I’ve decided I prefer the CoH content, even though I can practically recite some of the early mission text from memory — I just like being “heroic.”
    I think the alt-itis potential in CoX is actually one of its strengths. That the plethora of costumes and power sets allows this without a lot of repetition is a major reason I’m still with the game at all.

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