Origin-al Sins

Interesting.  With I9 we got some tweaks (not previously publicized) in who drops what sorts of things.

Council, which used to drop mostly Mutation enhancements, now drop Tech.  (Positron says it’s because they used to use the old Fifth Council tables, and the FC were more into mutation experiments than the Council … if you ignore all the Warwolf and Vampyri stuff, I guess).

The Crey have gone from dropping mostly Natural to mostly Science.  Okay, that makes sense.

Evidently the drop tables got updated from the ground up with all the new Invention System drops.  The consensus on the boards, though, is that there’s no good standard villain dropping Mutation enhancements in the 30s — which, I guess, is also an encouragement for folks to get all into IOs and stuff (and perhaps a sign that the Fifth Column are, indeed, coming back in I10).


One thought on “Origin-al Sins”

  1. Hmmm…..
    I always wondered why a giant Balrog looking guy was dropping a phased plasma emitter anyway.
    Seriously, this should have been done in I1 and not post I9.

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