Asparagus and Mushroom Salad

This can go from plain to fancy – which lettuce? Romaine/spinach, baby spring mix.  Which mushrooms?  white or Enoki, shiitake, crimini (baby bellas).  What about tomatoes?  Diced Romas? or Tiny Sweet 100s , Rainbow cherry tomatoes, dead ripe home grown Heirlooms.  For a really fancy touch check out edible flowers!


  • 2 lb trendy lettuce
  • 2 lb romaine
  • 200 small to medium asparagus
  • 2 – 3 lb mushrooms – Enoki, Crimini  (or several mixed varieties)
  • 2+ lb cherry tomatoes
  • 2 c Creamy Parsley Dressing (on the blog)


  1. Wash and dry the lettuce (paper towels or spinner)
  2. Tear into bite size pieces.
  3. Trim the tough ends off the asparagus.
  4. Cut into 1 inch pieces.
  5. Drop into boiling water (in small batches) then remove quickly. (I find using a strainer to raise and lower saves a lot of water.)
  6. Drop the blanched asparagus in ice water.
  7. Dry.
  8. Rinse and dry mushrooms
  9. Rinse and dry tomatoes (Are you getting a trend here?  No one wants a watered down salad.)
  10. Place everything but the dressing in a bow.
  11. Toss gently.
  12. Add half the dressing.
  13. Toss gently.
  14. Does it need more?  Add it.
  15. Toss again.
  16. Serve.

Or:  for really fancy – compose the salad:  Place a serving (scant cup) lettuce on plate, top with asparagus, mushrooms, tomatoes arranged artfully.  Drizzle on dressing.  Garnish with edible flower.

Serves:   50  but you can cut it down you know.

Source:  We were playing with food.


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