No, not that season.
For various reasons (Alpha class schedule, other stuff) Margie and I were serious slackers when it came to watching Buffy and Angel this past season.
Lucky for us, Doyce is as compulsive about taping them as I was about B5. And he has been noodging us to catch up. And more than noodging — making extraordinary efforts.
So this weekend, between basement cleaning and tree planting, we watched at least four or five Buffy eps, and two Angels. And FFed through a few more of each. I worry if we’ll be able to catch up, but it’s worth doing.
And, in return, I finally got around to loaning Doyce Season 3 of B5, and will be taping the Farscape stripping that SciFi is doing (though not this week, since it’s all on the tapes I already bought and loaned).
Media ‘R’ Us.