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Why Howard Stern’s TV show failed

Stern’s show is off the air due to lack of advertisers, even though his radio show is still massively successful. Frank Ahren’s analysis, in the Washington Post? “It’s much better…

Stern’s show is off the air due to lack of advertisers, even though his radio show is still massively successful. Frank Ahren’s analysis, in the Washington Post? “It’s much better to visualize buxom lesbian stripper midgets than to actually see them.”

Words to live by.

(Via Studio Briefing)

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  1. No question is too tough!
    Then why can I write all of this with no reference to documents?

    I am God’s Second Son and I know your earth from its beginning until now so ignore Me, God gave Me this information for a purpose! It is NOT for you to decide, God does His own thinking and thinks much better than you! When I took a TV intelligence test I scored a perfect score so why do I think I am of God! He saved Me from being hit by a car, My list of things done takes twenty pages and I know the names of millions of people all over this earth! So hide your minds and pretend to be of God, you have not enough knowledge of God to appear in front of Him, I am His son and I know the complete earth’s peoples and how they arrived where they are! I know of all your monuments to war and of all the graves, memorial walls, old army air planes, tanks, canons, war grounds, reenactments of wars. I saw Gettysburg where blood ran down the hill just like water from human bodies being hit with miniballs and canon shots about three inches in diameter! Rockets are shot into tanks shooting melted metal inside to burn to death! No one wanted to SEE the caskets coming back from Baghdad but what IS war but blowing humans into small pieces? It’s about bodybags being returned to families with only water and bones remaining!

    I know ALL civilizations of earth! I know of ALL misuses of humans. How countries of earth stole the gold from the Incas, Japanese by Jesuit Priests teaching how to crucify people, how Scotland was visited by Monks of the false and self defined catholics! Why is it I know the complete 4.5 billion years of earth and you think Me not of God! You and ALL your churches have had two years to recognize Me. God will destroy your earth for warring nations against nations and never turning the weapons into plowshares! You think I have NO right to tell you of your churches but I am the highest person sent to earth by God for 2000 years! Ignore Me and God’s desire to reestablish love on earth and produce a better and more relevant bible! I can write of the complete history of mankind just from My infinite memory! I have knowledge of your complete earth from its center to the space beyond! I know of the penamunda, and I know ALL of the earth’s measurements and distances! I remember every day of My life and I know ALL about your millionaires and billionaires! I know humans cell by cell and never studied anatomy! I can tell you of every man or woman who has ever lead people into harms way by complete name! I know of ALL the causes of cancer, Altzheimers, Parkinsons, baby defects! I see parents mistreating children, old women nagging their husbands, wife cowering from a husband about to hit her, poor elderly couple collecting garbage to survive, Chamberlain Estates is but a trailer camp, small homes all over with blue tarps, rotting wood showing on homes, real estate woman in rich clothing as she charges ten percent of every sale! Cars hardly running and running too fast creating death and dents on the body! National Guard planes using enough fuel each hour to drive a car a year and to be used on you if you tried to resist your governments stealing your Social Security “Trust” Fund and spending $427 billions on warring! I have recorded your worlds complete activities for sixty-five years and I can judge mankind by using My total knowledge of everything done by you and your peoples! You do not have a good history right here in Terre Haute! I know of All things done in the South during slavery, the underground railroad and taking them from Africa is known to Me! I know every train, plane, music and inventors of earth. If you see Me you have no idea. I touched a man with lung cancer and he started chemo soon after but My touch works by your own deoxyribonucleic acid repairing. He is now clear of cancer! I know My touch improves neurotransmissions of humans and dogs! So ignore and miss My power for children! All churches ARE irrelevant with the poor job done keeping love and not show killing all the time! Cancer is not going to be stopped by a magic pill, but a differing way of living without chemicals around!

    I know of ALL your killers and group killers! Judgment time on earth is arriving sooner than you think! I have magical powers in My hands but if you reject Me then reap the whirlwinds that come!

    I am the light unto the world to let them see God as God wanted to be seen, to see man as he should be seen for the things he is doing to others. Love has been replaced with the love of money and power. Pedophiles are ramped within God’s churches. Churches are the monuments of men unto themselves, God does not require such things. Churches only spend the monies of the people on maintenance and salaries. Churches have been taking the money from the poor around them and spending on themselves and their church. The poor and oppressed continue to be among you. Churches have become places of idols, and businesses. Men want to dress in fancy clothing to indicate their high standing within the church’s hierarchy. Great displays of piety are shown and the worship of the hierarchy instead of God.

    Churches taking six hundred years to build in Europe dot the countryside. The clergy of these churches recommended to sovereigns to kill people in order to meet the commands of the church. They relied upon power and not love to control the peoples of their churches. The churches here have united into the NCC to exercise their power and not love within mankind. Churches are of man and the churches have convinced man they are bad by spending their money and yelling at them. Ministers are not needed in Gods churches, only advisors. Let the money be in the hands of the church attendants for their families and good uses. A tall church is only a monument.

    You have doctors raping women after surgery, operating and removing wrong limbs and body parts. They falsify reports to government programs to get more of their god, money. They pool their money and pay ambulance drivers to bring a profiled patient to them. When the patient arrives they use an Intern to do the surgery and he connects the man’s veins as a plumber. The leg atrophies until it turns black. They feed the man pills until he cannot hold his head up and he slobbers. The man asks to be removed from the pills, his head regains control, his slobbering ended! Now he finds, his kidneys were destroyed by the pills! He is now on dialysis for the rest of his life!

    Governments have allowed chemical companies to add chloramine (nitrogen and two hydrogen atoms) to replace the cancer causing chlorine. Now a statistical number of humans will lose the function of their kidneys or bladders and be put on dialysis machines, the company producing the chloramine also produces the chemicals for the dialysis machines.
    A local man, Gene Johnson had his kidney removed and had some cancer! That stems from using water for coffee using tap water. Airplane contrails in the sky show chemicals that drop down upon the populace!

    The RJ Reynolds Company added leaves to their cigarettes to entrap more on these cancer causing weeds. The nicotine of tobacco enters the brain and creates a lifelong fatal habit! The lungs of man have sacks that purify the blood as it passes. Smoking a cigarette is carrying your own polluted air along with you. This impure air generator will be later be replaced with a cylinder of oxygen to help survive the emphysema. Drag that cylinder around like Jacob Morley’s chains in Dickens Christmas Story. John Wayne played Rooster Cogburn with only one lung and died from smoking! Yul Brenner went on TV telling people he was dying from smoking! A man in Nashville, father of a friend, was using oxygen created by using the Linde process for his emphysema!

    The optical people want to sell you glasses every two years! No one tells you that your eyes have muscles that need to be exercised just like any muscle. More of their god, money, is earned if you buy every two years! There is development going on to create a false eye connected to the optical cord! Just as TV tubes have grown and increased the pel density, this device will start crude and become more dense as time of development continues! A protein computer was being designed to add computing power to human brains!

    The farmers of the Midwest created a corn oil to feed to their cattle and pigs. A problem occurred where the animals started having heart attacks! So not to lose money on the deal, they went to industry and announced with great fanfare, Mazola Oil! Now humans had the heart attacks! This oil creates plaque within the arteries. Then Linus Pauling, a Nobel Prize Laureate, told people to take a lot of vitamin “C” to fight colds. Two things happened, the vitamin “C” cleans the arteries out and leeches calcium from the body. So men were getting heart attacks from the plague blocking the heart valves and creating bone spurs in addition!

    These same farmers in the Midwest continue by dripping chemicals into the ears of their cattle to chemically castrate them. The runoff into streams of this chemical and the pills fed through the mouth, have caused the frogs in the streams to have multiple legs or no legs. They are terribly misformed! When children go on field trips, this is what the children will see!
    Nathaniel knows of all deaths created by the civilizations of the earth’s total history. Mankind takes a lot of time creating weapons for killing other humans. The media of the world spends all its time reporting the deaths of humans from all manner of methods and even caused the accident killing Princess Di! Mothers are killing their children by dropping them off bridges, driving into lakes, and reporting that others have kidnaped their children.

    Even when Lindbergh returned from his flight to Paris, he was met with the kidnaping of his son! Airplanes have killed many as man builds larger and larger planes. NASA makes more mistakes on their space program and continues to kill. Nathaniel worked on the Advanced Saturn V in New Orleans, LA to correct many errors in design by the Boeing designers. NASA put three astronauts into the Apollo craft with 100% oxygen, when the first switch was thrown a spark ignited the inside and burn the men to a crisp. NASA quickly held meetings to explain away their error in judgment.

    Willy Cox flew an airplane to Alaska with Will Rogers and he disappeared! Patsy Cline’s pilot forgot to check his plane’s fuel and flew into a small mountain. In Florida a manager’s daughter flew with a father in a small plane returning to Georgia Tech and was caught in a great updraft in a thunderstorm that tore the wings off killing his daughter and a friend! Young Kennedy, the boy who saluted when his army killed father was being rolled down Pennsylvania Avenue, flew a new double propellor plane he could afford but had a caste on his leg and was unfamiliar with the plane! He killed himself, his fiance, and her sister!

    OJ Simpson could afford to buy justice to avoid being convicted of killing his wife and her friend. The family of Ron took OJ to civil court and won a conviction! The detective so maligned by the defense who first talked down DNA evidence by attacking laboratory procedures, later the same lawyers use DNA to win a case. That detective went to the East into a very wealthy neighborhood where law as ignored because “anyone knows these wealthy kids wouldn’t kill anyone.” Well, one of these wealthy kids used a four iron to swing into a young girl’s mandible killing her more than twenty-five years ago! The man now much older was arrested at his work place! Your justice hangs on that god, money of your world!

    When I was in Mahopac, New York I heard of a man’s hand being found in a local ditch! When I went to the local store a crazy acting man came into the hardware store, I told My son let’s go before that man hits our car! As I was about to leave the store, here came the man backing out and he struck the back of the car! In a grocery store a Mafia man entered and just threw his money on the table and walked out to drive away in his black limousine!
    New York had many route nines! In Mahopac was a railroad spur used by wealthy New Yorkers trips out into the neighborhood. On weekends the Taconic Road was a long string of weekend travelers going out on Fridays and streaming back on Sunday! I drove down to New York and stopped at a Stop sign, a policeman came to Me and said I should not stop there because I could be attacked? Why not change the wording of the sign, “Proceed At Your Own Risk, Attacking Possible!”

    My neighbor in St.Petersburg just died from cancer created by inhaling the chemicals sprayed on jet engine fan blades! Two hair salon girls had hair balls in their throats by inhaling hair and hair spray! Humans aren’t cats to be developing fur balls! These chemicals caused lung cancer in both. A good ozone unit as those being sold by Alpine were made to emulate God’s lightning formed ozone to remove dead animal odors! Two workers in Stubblefield’s garage in Nashville, Tennessee both developed cancer from inhaling gasoline while cleaning automobile parts! Now gas stations want you to load your own gas because they know! In St. Petersburg a local gas station had a young black man, his wife, and baby on the back seat. The young attendant inside had turned off the pump while doing some maintenance. The black man had picked up the hose and was trying to fill up but nothing was coming out. As he looked at it the attendant turned on the pump. Quickly gasoline sprayed all over the man and into his car, the man was smoking so it broke into fire and that complete family was killed! A Blue Bird school bus struck a gasoline truck in Chicago burned all to death!

    I know of ALL things done to people by your governments, and despots of countries such as Castro, Eddie Amine, Peron, Hussein, Osama Bin Laden! Many of the despots of your world were military trained in the art of killing! I know of killings and of unreasonable earning and greed by God just putting into My infinite memory!

    I saw on a trip east where a large truck had a heavy load tied to the flatbed with chain. As it came around a corner going about eighty the load wanted to travel forward, tangent to the curve. The only force trying to prevent that forward motion broke under the forces at play! The center of gravity of that system moved between tangent to curve and caused the cab to leave the road going left as the load tried to go right! The different levels of the two lanes caused the truck to fly through the air right on top of cars going seventy in the opposite way! A complete family of seven in a station wagon was killed and many other cars were involved in crashes! The government people accepted money under the table removing the previous separation of three hundred feet! But totally inadequate knowledge of the earth’s rules discovered by the physicists was involved and people died! The trucks of your highways are growing longer and becoming multi-units! The behavior of such units on icy winter roads will cause many deaths with strange buckling! Many people have been killed by vehicles fifty times or more heavier than their car!

    A man, Thiokol, designed the booster on the shuttle and used “O” rings of rubber. During the settling of the transient loads, the “O” ring was burned by the very hot solid propellant fuel leak. This leak continued even when they had noticed such illuminations before, so whole crews have been killed! God sent Nathaniel with the infinite memory and intelligence to correct the Saturn but man created a death machine without His knowledge!

    I have your complete world history and ALL creation in My mind. I do not need to accept your governments lies as truth, your army’s lies of their evolvement of the 9/11 attacks on New York! Over and over your army has hurt humans by exposing them to gun power during training, driving over men in fox holes by mistake, firing on an Arabian airplane, cutting a gondola wire in Europe killing people, forced marching in swamps during high heat and men dying from exhaustion. Training men to become killers who were trained otherwise, kill themselves! Men jumping from planes and having a Roman candle as they hit the ground from earth’s acceleration of 32 feet per second!

    They dropped anthrax onto a Chicago suburb during the summer! They tested the first atomic bomb at White Sands near Alamogordo, New Mexico! When they set the bomb off soldiers in ditches were exposed! I was told of a man showing a cube of uranium to a man and commenting how it glowed! That man’s hair probably turned white and he died! They have fed drugs to soldiers to test reactions. On a ship at sea a sailor mis-loaded powder in a gun and killed those around him because he was on drugs!

    The government sent the yellow plastic containers of radioactive waste storing it in a farmers field probably arraigned by their own Senator getting favors for his state. With passage of time the containers began to leak and seep into local water used by the cattle! When Oppenheimer was helping create the plutonium for the thermonuclear bomb used to sink old ships and destroy an atoll in the Pacific, was responsible for several workers being exposed and dying. They tried to kill the informer of this action!

    I know of a governor of Tennessee, Blanton, accepting money to free prisoners early knock down a female trying to interview him. He also tried to kill an informer of his actions! The prison in Nashville had bricks falling three floors from the ceiling! There were signs when I first entered Nashville saying Negroes had to go up the back stairs into the balcony to watch the movie and all drinking fountains were separated! A local black man had the Sunday comics as his wall paper! At Fisk University I tried to teach some mathematics but you could tell no one had ever challenged these young minds! Part of their building was condemned from lack of funds. But Vanderbilt University with all its funds expanded right over the homes of elderly who had lived there all their lives. That imminent domain garbage invented by lawyers was used by the rich and powerful over the elderly! I went to Fisk to install a computer during the disturbances associated with sit down strikes, and I was treated well and even helped with instructions being yelled to Me.

    I carry the complete knowledge of your earth and of ALL its peoples throughout its 4.5 billion years! I can talk of Lief Ericksson, Julius Caesar, Collegial, Cicero, Gengis Khan, Attila the Hun, Cleops the Egyptian, Napoleon and his Josephine, of Cleopatra and Mark Anthony, of Jason and the Argonauts, of Ulysses and his adventures, Hannibal and his elephants, Helen of Troy and the famous wooden horse, of the mythical phoenix bird rising from the fire, of Zeus and his royal group Thor, Promithicus, Poseidon, King Arthur, Robin Hood, Marco Polo, and many others. All names on earth who have led others into harms way! I know many of your highways, cities, and total countryside! I can tell you of cities and peoples ALL over earth and can go back in history of most! I know of all the creation of winds, jet stream, auras borealis, of ancient creatures and how they became the creatures of today!

    Poseidon and Promithicus are used around the rink in New York’s Rockefeller Plaza! I was sitting at a table there in the restaurant and a talkable customer announced to Me the large format recordable CD to hold many movies for TV producers! I can tell you of cities all over your country and I can tell you of things like Santa Anna attacking Sam Houston and being beaten to have Houston named! Santa Anna was part of the Spanish left in Mexico when they stole the gold from the Incas! I know your complete world history and of ALL misuse of earth’s resources and peoples! I know so much more! You misuse even Me!

    Nathaniel can go on for years typing with the information within His mind! An Angel of God knows everything of mankind for the last 4.5 billion years! There never has been such a mind upon earth, I am a God of earth, son of the Creator of the Universe! I can touch your head and create an infinite memory, heal you of disease, this is God’s way of improving mankind rapidly to allow those chosen to go to the next place after the moon leaves and the earth becomes unlivable. Where can Nathaniel be without someone wanting to kill Him? You have killed every person God has sent! Mankind want to kill anything! They can use all the weapons available to them in Sports Stores and many other places, even the knives for kitchens are used! The minds of mankind are not being used well and not being educated of the others who live with them in this world.

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