So today I move my office.
Three of us are doing a three-adjoining-office shuffle, sort of like Three-Card Monte, so that two of us can get a bit closer to their staff. I’m not one of those two, since I don’t have local staff. Actually, that’s not true, but more on that later.
But the move is okay by me because, to some controlled degree, I like moving. I like the change in the office, the change in perspective, the requirement to go through everything and throw old stuff out (or else, shudder, pack it in a box and trip over it for the next several months), the little bit of artificial excitement. Changing a furniture arrangement. A door on the left side of the room rather than the right. A requirement, at least for a few weeks, to actually think about my surroundings.
The office I’m moving into, next door to me, is just as large, but is a mirror image. Rather than a monolithic window, there’s two separate windows (one large, one small). There’s no structural support piller in the corner, which is a mixed blessing, but overall probably net good.
My phone number isn’t changing. And if you happened to know where my office is, you can pretty easily find me.
It’s been quite some time since I moved (just over two years now, when we moved to this building), and in that time I’ve not shuffled the furniture. This is unprecedented for me, but the furniture we bought with the building is so large, there are not a lot of permutations that would work.
My biggest arrangement problem: I like having the monitor facing away from the door (because often there’s stuff on there I don’t want passers-by or droppers-in to see). That means it pretty much has to be on the desk. For ergo reasons, I have it straight in front of me, which means the visitors chairs on the opposite side of the desk have the huge monitor and a medusa-like tangle of cables facing them. Not ideal. Suggestions welcome.
Nothing earth-shattering here. Just a shift in my environment, which is always sort of interesting. To me, at least.