I’ve had a humor mailing list for a few years now (FYA, For Your Amusement). It’s been a spotty endeavor at best, especially over the last several months — a flurry of activity for a couple of days, followed by a few weeks of benign neglect.
So this afternoon, I posted two jokes here to my blog. And it was kind of like, “Heeeeyyyyyy …”
So I’m going to be experimenting with doing more jokes here. If that seems to float my boat (and/or yours), then FYA will die its timely death, and we’ll move on from there.
Here, lemme help ya out. I heard this on on NPR some time ago:
Two atoms are leaving a bar, when one says, “Oh, no! I left my electrons in the bar!”
“Are you sure?,” his friend asks.
“Yes. I’m positive!”
(That one always cracks me up. Always.)