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Of course, if you decide that “Serenity” was an interesting Firefly episode, and remember that you have an early version of the script on your hard drive, and think it…

Of course, if you decide that “Serenity” was an interesting Firefly episode, and remember that you have an early version of the script on your hard drive, and think it would be entertaining to send it to your wife for her edification, and you do so using your company’s e-mail system …

… you might consider first that there are probably enough words of a dubious nature in the script — including translations of some of the Chinese epithets tossed about — that your company’s e-mail filter might spit a nastygram back at you.

Or you might not. In which case, at least, you have a hopefully entertainnig blog post to make.

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9 thoughts on “Unserene”

  1. List:Bad Words
    Found the expression “whore” 2 times, at 8 points each, for an expression score of 16 points.
    Found the expression “in the ass” 1 times, at 8 points each, for an expression score of 8 points.
    Found the expression “bitch” 1 times, at 3 points each, for an expression score of 3 points.
    Found the expression “BULLSHIT” 1 times, at 5 points each, for an expression score of 5 points.
    Found the expression “piss” 2 times, at 4 points each, for an expression score of 8 points.
    Found the expression “sexy” 1 times, at 4 points each, for an expression score of 4 points.
    Found the expression “F?cking” 1 times, at 8 points each, for an expression score of 8 points.
    Found the expression “fuck” 1 times, at 3 points each, for an expression score of 3 points.
    Found the expression “fuck me” 1 times, at 8 points each, for an expression score of 8 points.
    Found the expression “shit” 1 times, at 3 points each, for an expression score of 3 points.


    Of course, most of this is from the Chinese stuff.

  2. Well, it’s catching the translations of the Chinese swearing, in the script. Not sure what system it is (and it’s pretty frelling useless, given the 40-60 spams I get in my in-box every morning). It’s being replaced …

  3. I keep meaning to check this series out. A friend of mine loved it and I only caught half of one episode when it was on the air. He kept pushing me to watch it because he thought I’d love the main character who is an atheist. Now that it’s out on DVD I’ll have to add it to my wishlist and hope I can pick it up soon. Shame it was so short lived. Half the reason I don’t watch much TV anymore is because they cancel most of the shows I do end up enjoying anymore.

  4. Well, I certainly wholeheartedly (and obviously) recommend it.

    I’m finding the growing release of TV series on DVD an interesting phenominon. Hell, Costco carries ’em, so it must be a popular thing. If the price point were moved down some, I’d think they could move them even better.

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