A sleep researcher, noting that repetitive flashing lights can screw around with people’s Circadian rhythms, claims that it’s messing up kids’ sleep cycles.
Now, Dr. John Herman, a sleep expert at UT Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas states that the flashing lights of kids’ television shows, video games and computer programs seem to be resetting the body’s internal clock, stimulating kids’ brains and making them want to stay up later and get up later.
Well, if Katherine would get up later (than, say, 6:30a), I’d be more than happy to have her stay up later. Really. Can we trade?
Dr. Herman recommends limiting TV viewing and video game playing within 30 minutes or so of bedtime.
Ah. Given that it usually takes 30-45 minutes from “time to go upstairs” to actually getting her tucked in getting back downstairs again, that’s why it doesn’t seem to be affecting Kitten.
You may also choose to limit book reading time as well.
Bite your tongue, Science Boy.
(via BoingBoing)
I’d trade up just for 6:30. And what heaten would recommend limiting book reading. Damn Texans!
Limit book reading?? WTF does that have to do with the price of heroin in Detroit?
I would be curious to see what type of book Dr. Herman is reading. I don’t believe I’ve ever seen any that have flashing lights.