… but you can never leave …
The same is true for jobs. Stick around in a job for long enough, and everything you ever do will come back to haunt you.
Case in point: today someone came to me asking for assistance with a configuration file for a program. We’re getting rid of our Netware servers and going to Advanced Directories Active Directory (me no talk network lingo good) Windows network printing. So this program’s print configuration files need to be updated.
Because they’re old.
And hardcoded with Netware print capture commands.
Because it’s a DOS application.
And it spells out various LaserJet III escape codes.
And my name was on the configuration files as the author.
From 1991.
Yes, that’s right, someone was asking me for tech support on something I’d written almost thirteen years ago. And the fact is, it was an old file then, and I’d simply done local modifications to it. The original was probably a good decade older than that.
No good deed ever goes without haunting you in the future …
Heh. I had a lot of things like that happen to me on my last job…
1991. I’m still shaking my head.
Do you mean Active Directory?
And wow, that was a bit ago then, wasn’t it? Ahhh, Netware!
(Mutter mutter mutter Active Directory …) I knew that was wrong when I wrote it, but didn’t look it up. (Mutter mutter)