An interesting article here on making money off of your blog.
Hmmmm …
The biggest problem with BlogAds and Google AdWords is a design one. I simply don’t want to give up any real estate on my index page to such ads. (I suppose I could do AdWords on my individual archives, if I were devoted to the idea.)
I do, however, use the Amazon referrer program. Generally speaking, if you see an Amazon link here (when I review a movie or book or some such), it’s got a referrer code in it. Click through, buy the product, and I get a slice of the pie. A very, very small slice, and it’s been more of a curiosity than a source of income.
And, of course, I have a tip jar buried way down the sidebar. So far, no tips. 🙂
Still, it’s an interesting trend. If I really thought I could make substantial bucks out of it, I would give it serious thought, aesthetics be damned.
(via GeekPress)