Three years ago today … or tonight, at least. How time flies.
Actually, as projects go, this has probably been one of the most persistent I’ve had, aside from my marriage, which is rapidly approaching its — eek! — ten year anniversary, or my daughter, who’s been going for a bit over four years now. No, I did not just compare my marriage and child to my blog. I was just … um … hey, look! An interesting topic! Over there!
But, anyway, I blame Doyce for the whole thing (the blog, not the marriage or child). Glad to be here, though, and I cannot tell you how much I look forward to the fourth anniversary …
Congrats! I won’t hit my 3 year until December. And yet I still feel like a newbie.
Yeah, still feels new in a lot of ways. It’s still an “extended memory” project for me, though, and that’s beginning to pay off (e.g., spotting when I last went to the eye doctor).
Happy Blogoversary to ***Dave!
Looks like ***Dave has been running his blog for three years as of today so go over to his place and shower him with congratulations and adoration as though he were a famous rock star. If you squint just right he kinda looks like one.
A big congrats to you ***Dave. May your fount of knowledge continue to flood our minds for many years to come!!!
Congratulations, Dave! Both your marriage and your daughter will benefit from the fact that you write.
Can I get a backstage pass for your rockstar blogging concert?
Sure. I guarantee the Green Room will be a much more enjoyable place to hang out than out in front of the stage.
Congratulations! Your blog is a continuing inspiration!
Now, folks, you’ll make me blush …
(Actually, it’s kind of scary to think what sort of “inspiration” this “fount of knowledge” is producing. Think of the children!)
Congrats! I enjoy spending time with you accross the miles. And it’s so much easier than talking on the phone…
Mary – say the word and ***Dave will set you up with a blog of your own so we could repay the favor.
PS: See you soon:-)
Congratulations on making it this long!
Truth, Mary. You always have interesting things to say … 🙂
Congratulations. Your blog is an island of sanity in a land filled with screaming inanity and scary insanity. And that’s just my house!
But Mary brings up a good point, always worth reviewing on an anniversary like this: why do I blog?
All of the above, of course. In varying degree from day to day.
Certainly not to get rich. 🙂
Congrats, ***Dave!
I am only an egg.
Thanks. I’m as surprised as anyone that I’m still doing this.
Hardly a “lazy man’s” way to communicate. Really efficient and certainly utilizes you talent as a writer. I havn’t written a letter in years! Thanks for the tech support and teaching.
Thanks. I refer to it as the Lazy Man’s Way in that it (a) lets me tell this info once (rather than repeating the tales to each friend and family member, except the tales I want to repeat), and (b) lets me do it on my own schedule and without having to either write a letter or use the (ack!) phone. 🙂
*releases balloon and pigeons in a spectacle to rival the Olympic closing ceremony*
Congrats ***Dave, here’s to many more!