In Mel Brooks’ Silent Movie, the antagonist was a big corporation known as Engulf+Devour (a play on Gulf+Western which had recently acquired Paramount). I always think of that when I think of corporate acquisitions.
Which brings me to the second one in a day. I’ve been doing my bills online for years, starting with a service called PayMyBills. That was then acquired, three years back or so, by Paytrust.
And Paytrust is now being acquired by Intuit. Which, having semi-fond memories of Quicken and ongoing fond memories (such as they could be) of Turbo-Tax, I wouldn’t mind so much, except for the serious bad press Intuit is getting of late.
Ah, well. We’ll see what, if any, impact this has on my service.
I use a service called MyCheckFree. If you’re interested I can send you an email referral. I don’t know if it will work for you, but it works wonders for me.
Your bank doesn’t let you pay bills online? Or do you have a reason for not wanting to use their service?
PMB (as I still think of it) not only lets me pay online, it acts as a central clearinghouse for my bills. Bills get sent to them, I get e-mail notification, I can set up automatic payments with various rules, I can handle it all electronically. Main reason I like it, since actual paper bills tend to vanish somewhere when they hit this house.