Okay, this probably qualifies as the Pointless Personal Anecdote post of the week, if not the month or quarter. But it’s the little historical fact bit that, should this all ever get printed out and saved for future generations of Hills, will be of more interest than my commentary on browser extensions or legal cases. Besides, if much more popular blogs can natter about it, so can I.
Growing up, I can remember my Dad shaving with a razor — a Gillette safety razor, I think, and, eventually, a cartridge razor of some sort. At some point, though, he switched over to a Norelco triple-head, and that was enough of a household standard that, when I started into the shaving biz, I went with the Norelco as well. (That it was the razor featured in ads during Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer was a nice side feature.)
I stuck with the Norelco through a couple of replacements, then shifted over to a Braun, which I found gave me more control in its rectangular head than the Norelco’s triple heads provided.
And then …
… I went back to a manual razor.
I think the tipping point for me was when Katherine was born. I’d already been feeling guilty about the loud drone of the electric razor in our master bed/bath suite at the house, since Margie ostensibly slept in later than I did, and I was sure I was waking her up with that sound.
When Katherine was born, the need to go into Night Silence became even higher priority, and with my getting up at 5, the electric had to go. So I started shaving with a blade, and — well, I discovered I was actually getting a much better, and more precise, shave. And since I did it in the morning, pre-shower, I could just shower all the shaving cream way with no problem.
That went on unchanged for four years (except for migrating from a Trac II to a Mach 3, which, ludicrous hype aside, really does shave better). Then about six months ago I decided to try what seems to be popular in some circles, shaving in the shower. Bought a little no-fog mirror to stick to the door, moved the Edge gel and my razor in there …
… and, darned, if it isn’t an even better shave, since my beard gets softened up during the preceding ablutions. I have the problem of not having my glasses on, but I manage okay. And it works when I travel, too, since my kit has a little mirror with it that is usable in the shower.
So, no intention of going back to the electric. Works well for me. And bores the socks off you. Moving right along …
I shifted back to blades some years ago and have found the cheapest, most disposable ones work best as I am inclined to shave more frequently with a fresh one. What I would really like to do is use my v. old-fashioned straight razor but have yet to come across a razor strop to sharpen it up. If I do I shall have to take considerable care to learn to use the thing safely!
Using a straight-razor, especially at the hour I tend to shave, would be either too much work or far too dangerous …
I wonder if any of the fine businesses advertising in the Google ads in the sidebar would have a razor strop?
I once saw two microphotographs of a man’s face after shaving with an electric razor and after shaving with a blade. The electric razor appeared to have shattered the hairs rather than cutting them off cleanly, leaving something that looked like a bomb had gone off in a forrest. The blade appeared to cut the hairs off cleanly. I don’t know whether the photos accurately represented the general case, or if there was something sneaky going on, but those pictures convinced me to shave with a blade, which I did for many years.
I switched back to an electric because I thought it was more convenient and took less time, and because the impact of the photos was reduced as my memory of them became fuzzier. I’m no longer sure that the electric has a clear advantage in convenience or time, and now I go back and forth depending on the circumstances. I tend to use the electric for quick trims and the blade if I’ve let things go over the weekend. I’ve long considered shaving in the shower, but never tried it. Now that you’ve recommended it, perhaps I’ll give it a shot.
It certainly reduces the mess involved, if nothing else.
So I’m not the only one to find this subject interesting. I’ve almost used razors, but I tried switching to an electric a year or so ago. It was terrible. It lefty my face looking patchy. So I stuck with the razor. I always get a cleaner shave with my trusty Mach3 (you are correct, it really is better).
I’ve debated about getting a no fog mirror for the shower, as the couple times I tried it seemed great. Now I’m pretty much sold on the idea.