Some preliminary pics of the new Superman (Brandon Routh) are out.
Um …
Okay, I can understand why the darker colors, I guess — the bright primaries are thought, perhaps, garish (though then I’d darken the blue, too, not just the red).
But, looking at the more detailed pics, I note that the boots look pretty, well, uh — face it, if you’re going for the boots, go for the boots. Going for shorter boots just looks weird. Or like you’re a normal person improvising out of your closet for a costume party.
And … dude, what’s with the belt buckle? I mean, there’s already a big (well, medium-sized) S-logo on the chest; repeating it (and non-canonically) on the belt buckle is ex-ess-ive (to coin a phrase).
(via the Beat)
At least he’s not wearing armor or a black jacket.
Duh. Without the S on the belt buckle, they can’t sell Superman Replica belt buckles.
Ah. Of course.
(Shakes head. Grinds teeth.)