Do you think you are being targeted by psycho-electronic harassment?
My group studying these questions has experienced all of the effects listed below for periods of a few years to two decades or more. We believe the tempation to use the classified technology on more and more people will expand our group beyond the roughly 1,600 members world-wide at present.
Some of the symptoms below are also symptoms of “mental illness”. However, neuro-electromagnetic equipment can duplicate symptoms of mental illness and you may be completely free of mental illness and still experience these symptoms. Making you seem mentally ill is part of the cover used by those who have and use this equipment.
Symptoms include “Inescapable voice in your head and you are not mentally ill” and “Your watch and other batteries going dead often far too soon to be ‘natural’ deaths.”
And, of course, this:
Hey! This was inscribed on the split-pea soup that Margie warmed up for me last —
Hmmmmm ….
(via J-Walk)
UPDATE: The list of “Major Government Crimes” reads like a perfect confluence of Left- and Right-Wingnut Causes, proving once again that most political spectra are circular, not linear …