A very interesting breakdown of the various diet Cokes that Coca-Cola has out there: Diet Coke, Diet Coke with Splenda, C2, Coke Zero, Coke Light.
The most interesting bits: Diet Coke is “New Coke” with aspartame (or Splenda) instead of sugar. Coke Zero is “Classic Coke” with artificial sweeteners. Which is why the latter tastes infinitely better, IMO (and has become my diet cola of choice).
(via Kottke)
I swear they use some special-recipe caffeine in Coke Zero that makes it extra-addictive. My soda of choice too, when I’m not laying off the caffeine. When I am, it’s either Diet Rite or in a pinch, Caffeine Free Diet Coke. Diet Pepsi is awful.
Actually, I like Diet Pepsi — well, compared to Diet Coke, at least. And I liked Pepsi One prior to the reformulation.
Wow – thank you! Now I can switch to Coke Zero and understand why I thought it tasted better.