Long, intense, fun, exhausting weekend …
Saturday was prepping for, then executing, our annual Twelfth Night party. Despite pretty minimal planning and preparation over the preceding week, it went pretty smoothly. As usual, I focused on cleaning, Margie on cooking, and Kitten on being underfoot, but by the time folks arrived the house was clean and inviting, the food was ready to serve, and Kitten had managed to get into a party dress.
We had 20-25 this year — which included zero from both our offices (our being both slugs about getting invites put out) — split pretty evenly between folks from the church and local friends. The Denver playoff game ended up being turned on out in the family room, which was annoying to begin with, but I went with the flow and it turned out okay. Half the party broke up after the game completed, and most everyone had wandered off by 11:30p or so.
Sunday was the post-party party, with the various local gaming folk coming on over in different shifts. Doyce was kind enough to prep and run a couple of games (including a slightly-abridged-for-time hilarious RISUS-based “A Kringle in Time“), and that action ran from early afternoon to about 9-10p or so, at which point folks exited, we cleaned, then crashed.
The week ahead looks like a moderately hectic return to normalcy — probably some final-evening fun with Kate and Aaron before they wing their ways back to their respective coasts, continuing the steady dishwashing of cups, plates, and platters, and getting the tidied contents of various boxes back where they belong. Work looks fairly insane, but no travel planned (as of the current moment).
There was a patina of snow on the ground when I got up this morning, and the roads varied between wet and slightly snowy on the way in. Took me a while longer, but no big problems. I hope that’s auspicious for the week.
Kitten just woke up, plumb tuckered out by running around until late with Rachel …
She did need it from the looks of it.
It was a great weekend of activities, and thank you both for hosting both evenings.
Some very funny things from both Inspectres and Kringle in Time.
Great fun was had by all.
Cross-reference with Doyce’s recap.