Since nobody seems to be able to muster the outrage sufficient to amend the constitution to change the electoral college, some states — including Colorado — are trying an end run around it.
Colorado could be in the forefront of an effort to effectively abolish the Electoral College if a bill sponsored by state Senate Majority Leader Ken Gordon, D-Denver, becomes law.
[…] The plan would work like this: Colorado would enter into a compact with a number of other states, pledging that all its Electoral College delegates would vote for the winner of the national popular vote. The compact would take effect only if enough states signed on to have a majority in the Electoral College. The winner of the popular vote would be assured of election in the Electoral College.
It’s an interesting idea. the Constitution doesn’t actually mandate how the electors vote, or even how they are selected, just their role in actually electing the president and how many each state gets.
I’m not altogether convinced that the electoral college is the evil that some folks deem it to be. And I mistrust political solutions that rely on cooperative compacts to dictate votes. But I’d almost rather an arrangement like that than actually revise the Constitution, if it effects the same change.