This isn’t a spoiler, at least by me, since it’s appearing in the newspapers but … Captain America is dead. Or will be in the comic hitting the stores this week. I won’t go into the details.
And everyone who actually believes that’s permanent — well, Captain Florida has some swam land he’d like to sell you. Heck, even Joe Quesada, the Marvel Editor-in-Chief considers it dodgy that it’s permanent. After all, we all recall (those who recall such things) how that took with Superman a decade or so back. And Cap has disappeared, or quit, or been fired before. Given that there’s a Capt. America movie in the works — do you really think he’s going to “stay” dead?
That said … I really need to write my “Civil War” after-action review.
Heck, if they can’t keep Bucky out of commission, what hope do they have of stopping Captain America?
True. Though I expect it will take less than forty-odd years to do so.
A major topic of discussion at the comic book store today, where most were upset that the info was out before they had a chance to read the book.
Me, too — if I’d read it only on the comics sites, I wouldn’t have mentioned it here. Since it hit the AP and CNN, though …
(Annoyingly, didn’t get to the comic book story today.)
I missed it, but NPR’s All Things Considered covered the story.
And Dork Tower weighs in on the media coverage.
And NPR’s weekly show On the Media featured not only an interview with Ed Brubaker, the man who killed Captain America, but talked to Joe Simon, the man who co-created Captain America with Jack Kirby, and who, at 93, has outlived his creation!
Of course, if you’ve read Civil War: The Initiative, the talk between Ms. Marvel and Spider-Woman might make you wonder if Mr. Simon’s mourning isn’t a bit premature…
In my stack to read still …
And having read the Cap issue in question, nothing is nearly as clear-cut as it seems. If not for the flurry of press attention, I’d have assumed the character would be back after a brief hiatus.
It’s a shame Joe Simon, at 93, has to deal with this — though plenty of other creators have “outlived their creations” in the comics biz.