Christmas was the usual hectic swirl. My folks stayed down here at the Ks, after Christmas Eve dinner, so we got to have them here for first-thing Christmas Morning gift opening, which was nice. After that, they headed up for Mass, while we bummed around a bit, then eventually followed up to their house for more gift-giving (and partaking of Mother’s Recipe), followed by a jaunt off to my brother’s house for dinner and still more gift-giving, wrapped up with a jaunt to the Dellis’ for dessert and still more gift-giving.
Gifts were involved, as you can tell — and I won’t go into detail, because I will certainly leave something/someone out, but it was a very nice time.
Today was more of a quiet day. I mostly sat around reading, watching Katherine swim, and trying not to be too anti-social.
Tomorrow, and Friday, I swing into the office in Pasadena to catch up on Stuff and save a bit of PTO balance. It’s the classic 90-minute-each-way commute, so wish me luck. 🙂