On the Sarah Palin front, not much that I didn’t summarize late yesterday, except the news that her Yahoo email account had been hacked. Now, hacking other folks’ email is generally a bad thing to do. The irony here is that Palin and her circle have reportedly been using Yahoo personal accounts to conduct state business, as a means of circumventing any sort of public records or discovery process. Tsk, tsk, tsk. Sort of makes hacking the account a public service, doesn’t it?
The McCain/Palin “Liars!” meme continues. CNN spent five minutes — five minutes! — recapping stuff we’ve been talking about here. When’s the last time CNN spent five minutes on anything? Media bias, or just too much news to fit into their usual thirty second time slots? I mean, just in the last 24 hours we’ve had baseless claims of prescience about the economic crisis, changing his tune on government regulation of the economy, still-erroneous assertions about Alaska’s production of energy, continued false claims about pork and earmarks,
It is not a lie, of course, just confusion, when John McCain doesn’t seem to recognize the name of the Prime Minister of Spain, or understand when the conversation is changing over to US relations with Spain, even when the interviewer says so, and repeats her question four times. That ties into the growing “How healthy is John McCain, anyway?” meme that continues to pick up steam.
Personally, I think the reason he looks so tired is because he’s channeling the spirit of Herbert Hoover. Perhaps that’s why the public doesn’t seem to agree that McCain represents “change.”
Of course, one shouldn’t trust Obama, either — even a clear, informative, inspiring two minute address to the nation, or when he notes that McCain “change” seems implausible given the McCain record, or when an array of recent Secretaries of State (GOP and Democrat) endorse his foreign policy, because, ultimately, you know that Obama’s an out-of-touch, condescending elitist — and you have the Rothschild name on that! I mean, look at the glitzy parties Obama’s fundraising at — you’d never catch John McCain doing something of that sort!
But, then, you can’t believe anything Obama says — why, he has the audacity to call himself a “believer,” when everyone knows that title is now a registered trademark by the evangelical movement, and cannot be used by anyone but them, apparently. After all, we all know that Obama is really a “political Muslim” (whatever that means).
And what about his wife? Well, Bill O’Reilly says she looks “angry.” Bill O’Reilly’s guests say she looks “angry,” too — even if Bill O’Reilly has to slap them around to finally get them to say it.
So it goes.
Well, the reason that Lady de Rothschild and McCain get along so well is that they earned their money the old fashioned way…they…erm…”worked” their way into it.