Wow. I mean, what can you say the the latest idiocy coming from Rush Limbaugh?
The Club Gitmo T-shirt – When America Was Safe
ECONOMIC STIMULUS! President Obama has issued an executive order closing Club Gitmo within a year. So we have adjusted to changing economic times with a new Club Gitmo design. Club Gitmo: When America Was Safe.
New Club Gitmo slogan/logo with diving board and swimming pool (Water & Board) emblazoned on front and back. Available in Institutional Orange only in sizes: S, M, L, XL, XXL, XXXL & XXXXL!
Ha ha ha! Get it? Water and board? Waterboard? Hilarious! Soon to also come with a knife and beach balls design, too!
Even if you believe that Gitmo and harsh interrogation techniques are necessary, and closing the camp is a mistake, cracking wise about a detention camp for terrorists and their treatment there is just plain stupid, tasteless, sophomoric …
But, then, consider the source.
(via George and TruthDig)
Dave, like I keep telling you, Republicans are evil.