There are a lot of WordPress themes out there on the Web. A whole lot.
Alas, Sturgeon’s Law applies. Indeed, Sturgeon may come across here as an optimist. Though, to be fair, I’m only looking at free themes, and one does get what one pays for.
Actually, I’m liking the current theme quite a bit, except that (a) the main text area is too narrow, and (b) I’d really like to have two right-hand sidebars. Oh, and there’s the whole “March of Time” photo-montage that would be nice.
We’ll see.
Oh no…it’s way more than 90% crap. =P
I’d classify the themes out there into the following groups:
1. “I wrote this for WordPress 1.x, I don’t support it any more, and it doesn’t really work real well with anything after 2.0, but it’s free.”
2. “I make a living as a graphic artist and web page designer, so bow before my 1337 thematic skillz. It may be unusable for anything so passe as blogging, but doesn’t it look pretty?”
3. “I don’t make a living as a graphic artist nor as a web page designer. Here’s the proof.”
4. “Choose my carefully crafted and artistically unique theme with it’s very distinctive and oh-so-attractive integrated artwork … and have your blog look exactly like the other 15,000 blogs that are using it.”
5. The rest.