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Blog status

Aside from eleventy-dozen smaller things I want to get done, the biggest problem I’m having at the moment is in uploading pictures to the blog. Ecto/Linear craps out with a mysterious error, and I get other mysterious permission errors when trying to upload graphics within WordPress itself. Referencing images already online is no problem; loading new ones is currently not working. 


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12 thoughts on “Blog status”

  1. As the attached image shows, I’ve worked around it. In theory, I should be able to point to an image directory outside of the WP installation (e.g., /blog/images vs /blog/wp), but WP doesn’t seem to like that. I set it back to the default (wp-content/uploads) and it worked like a champ. I’ll do a bit more research poking.

    The error was in WP — but that, in turn, was affecting Linear (since it apparently just passes through the upload request to WP, rather than directly posting the file as under MT).

  2. Then it must be a IE7 thing (what I have for work). Basically, this post has a vertical and Horizontal scroll bars.

    Which, yes, it does not seem to do in Safari.

  3. This Post, the Batman post and the TV post all have Scroll Bars, like the body of the post is too wide for the format of the theme.

    My assumption is that it has something to do with IE7 and how it is seeing the origin of the photos, since that is the thing that is unique to those posts v the other post.

  4. Well, I looked on Margie’s machine — and darned if I don’t see what you’re talking about.

    Clearly a drug interaction with the drop shadow div setup for photos, IE7, and this particular theme. I’ll have to play with it a bit.

  5. I’ve been tinkering around with this as I have IE7 on my laptop. And I see the horrific scrollbars on your right-floated images, so I added a right-float CSS class on my blog, and now I have them, too.

    After some Googling, I found a thread that describes this very problem.

    Not sure how much closer to a solution this brings us, but there’s probably yet another hack that has to be added to make IE7 as happy as IE6 was.

  6. Aha! You mean that by turning all the main columns in the bog into variable width from the original fixed-width, I’ve caused IE7 to get all verklempt? Aha!

    I don’t particularly like the solution in the thread (as I can’t exactly make all my images the same hardcoded dimensions). Would making the main div (#content) fixed width (instead of float:left and/or width:60%;) make the difference?

  7. The original is a float:left on the #content column; I’ve tried changing it from width:80% to width:800px, but it still generates the annoying little scroll bars in IE7. Rrg.

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