- Re-added my “Recently Reading” sidebar item.
- Added a “Notify by email when new comments received” widget at the bottom of each post.
Many more things on the list — plus, of course, converting some more blogs over to WP.
Many more things on the list — plus, of course, converting some more blogs over to WP.
Dave, where did you get the Recently Reading plug in? Just curious!
It’s actually not a plug-in, but a java thingie I had on MT which I now have running in a normal text widget.
(Formerly dealazon.com)
Basically it builds the list from an Amazon Wish List. So I created a second wish list called “Recently” where I put things I’m currently (or recently) reading. There’s a lag of an hour or so between changing the wish list and the wishlist being resampled and the badge updated.
The one thing that’s changed for me now that you have switched to the new blog template (etc) is that I am sometimes disconcerted when I click a link to some page on the web and it comes up looking much like your blog. When that happens, I have a little moment of cognitive dissonance that must be resolved before I can go on.
Ah. Yes, this particular page design is not unique to me, I fear. In fact, I was inspired to it by another blogger (Ginny) I often read, and I, too, sometimes blink a couple of times when I click through to it.