Links (most recent first) that caught my eye, but did not warrant full-blown blog entries ….
- It’s So Personal: Anencephaly: Andrew Sullivan
- Just a Glimpse of an Ankle, and I React Like It’s 1805: Eric Martin
- Farai Chideya: Lee, Ling and North Korea: Are We Informed?: Farai Chideya
- Dave Hill’s Chihuahua Dance – Um, for the record, different Dave Hill.
- Polyhedral dice cake – Loverly!
- GOP Leader Working Behind Scenes To Get Palin Reinvited To Big Fundraiser | The Plum Line – There’s a certain degree of schadenfreude I feel, after decades of bumbling disunity by the Democrats.
- feature on Flickr – Photo Sharing! – As the old IT saying goes …
- U.S. Government Records Go Online in Volume – Very cool. And about time.
- Was The Right Thwarted By Cheney’s “Backhanded Pro-Gay Approach”? – MWAH-HA-HA! Darth Cheney is in your house, messing with your anti-gay marriage amendments.
- SBC Distances Itself From Drake and His Ravings – Good on them. I’ll even be charitable and assume that this matches their beliefs, too.
- Good News: “Baby Girl C.” Can Stay With Her Parents – Here’s some good news indeed. The court’s conclusion is dry but unequivocal — yanking the baby from an approved gay couple fostering her just because a judge thinks (without legal basis) a “traditional” family would be better is, well, not supported by the law.
- Post offices used to be awesome.: William Brafford
- Movie Review: Land of the Lost Rocks (Peter Travers Can Suck It!) – One of the more positive reviews of the film I’ve seen (though nothing here makes me want to go see it). Note that Brian Bendis (of all people) has suggested parents really, truly, definitely want to pay attention to that PG-13 rating, and that, the film’s heritage (and ad campaign) aside, it’s “highly inappropriate” for little kids.
- Teach your kids to argue – Katherine has begun making careful, reasoned arguments for things she wants, or when she thinks she is being treated unfairly. We are rewarding her by both praising the behavior and by conceding her point when she’s won it — things that some parents, sadly, are never willing to do.
- Most Bankruptcies Caused By Health Problems Suffered By People With Health Insurance [Survey Says] – Money graf: “So much for credit card companies trying to convince us that bankruptcies are caused by loose-willed spendthrifts with flat screens.”
- Oprah: Shame on you. – Wow. Good for Newsweek for having done this.
- Movie studios launch Epix, 720p streaming service for films – Ars Technica – Beware of Greeks bearing gifts.
- Robert Creamer: Fixing Health Care Does Not Require a “Bi-Partisan” Bill — It Does Require a Public Health Insurance Option: Robert Creamer
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But Dave….and here I was looking forward to your Chihuahua dance as part of the KOA Festival Night….erm…festivities. =P
~ques Dramatic Prairie Dog~
Perhaps he is the Dave Hill they are looking for.