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Podcast prototype

Well, it’s been nearly six months, and the proposed podcast that Les is putting together hasn’t happened quite yet. But Les and I did actually get some two-way audio (and one-way video) communication going last night, via Skype.

Not surprisingly, Les is a pleasant and entertaining fellow to chat with, though I’m sure our respective wives thought our respective ends of the conversation were a bit goofy. We nattered away for probably a good hour, which simply demonstrates we both can talk for that long (no surprise there) on random and most-likely-interesting-only-to-us topics. But it’s a start. And it was fun.

I will, of course, let you know anything further on the planning for this at such time as there’s anything to let you know.

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11 thoughts on “Podcast prototype”

  1. I have to admit that I regret not finding a suitable plugin to record the session once we were done as it seemed like a good first attempt. I did manage to find what appears to be a simple, decent, and free plugin to record calls with called, oddly enough, FreeCallRecorder. I tested it out with Skype’s Echo service which lets you test to make sure you’ve set things up right and the plugin works great.

    The only OTHER thing I’d like to figure out, but this doesn’t necessarily have to delay the first podcast, would be how to feed the audio into Ustream so folks can listen in while we’re blabbing and perhaps send in questions/comments via Twitter.

  2. Baby steps, man, baby steps …

    Yeah, there was some good stuff last night, but also some goofiness that was probably best not captured for posterity. I suspect there will be a difference when we go “live” — hopefully a positive one, with a bit more focus. Not that a podcast has to be run by a rigorous agenda combined with bullet points and the like (perhaps a PowerPoint presentation to accompany), but I’m not sure the world is ready (or willing) to just listen to Les and Dave ramble on about whatever enters their ADD brains. 🙂

    1. Yeah, but I was really, truly, determinedly hoping that we’d actually be more intelligent and coherent than, say, anyone on FNC. Yeesh, set the bar low why don’t you?

      1. Honestly, if you spend any amount of time watching FNC I think it’ll quickly become clear that we were both more intelligent and coherent and not to mention entertaining than anyone on that network.

        And that was without even trying!

  3. Well, for one, I wasn’t aware of Juice. We were originally playing around with TalkShoe, but it doesn’t like working with USB headsets.

    Skype seems to be one of the more popular things to use for group podcasts so, when you really don’t know what you’re doing, you go with what everyone else is using.

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