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For those with an interest in Bonita or San Diego history …

… our good friend Mary Oswell just co-authored a book with images from the history of Bonita, California, available through the Bonita History Museum. Per an email from her dad, George …

The Bonita Museum & Cultural Center invites you to join us for a book signing for Images of America – Bonita on November 7th from 4pm to 6pm.

The authors, Dr Steven Schoenherr and Mary E. Oswell, will sign books and answer questions about Bonita.

Books are on sale at the Museum now, and will be for sale during the event. The book sells for $21.99 plus tax and cash and checks are preferred.

All proceeds benefit the Bonita Museum & Cultural Center.

The Bonita Museum & Cultural Center is located at 4355 Bonita Road in Bonita. For further information please call 619-267-5141.

If you live out of town and are interested in purchasing a book, please visit out website at

I’ve ordered my copy! And if you’re in the area on 11/7, think of dropping by the museum. Tell her you heard about it here first!

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3 thoughts on “For those with an interest in Bonita or San Diego history …”

  1. Yea, cause so many of your blog readers live in the greater San Diego area.
    I’m not quite sure why he sent that to you since I know he knows you know (wow, that’s convoluted) about the book. I think he’s just shilling for the museum, but thanks for the post. And the Museum thanks you for your support.

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