- RT: @doycet: Me: Guys, can we move things along? / Chars: We are. / Me: But the outline… / Chars: Shush. Grown-ups are talking. #nanowrimo #
- Doing Write: Goals http://bit.ly/3imnc5 #nanowrimo #
- Most Common Surnames [Last Names] in the United States (top 1000) http://bit.ly/19Jkft – Great #NaNoWriMo resource … #
- RT: @pourmecoffee: There must be a way to get flag-burning into the health care debate. Make it happen, leaders! #
- I wish my office’s cleaning crew didn’t play “Hide the trash can someplace different” each night. #
- Still can’t talk about thing I can’t talk about, but will be able to in another week. Rrg. Also, argh. Also, earning my salary this month. #
- First time at karate since flu and post-flu cough. Eager to go, but expect rustiness during, soreness after. #
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