- Even the best party isn't as much fun without Margie. #
- Everyone up. Everyone not sick. Everyone doing well. Waiting for the other shoe to drop. #
- To do in next wk: xmas letter, cards, gift wrap, '09 photo albums. Plus usual range of social hobnobbing. Doomed … #
- Good news: K got an iPod Nano for Xmas fr Mary. Bad news: requires upgrade to iTunes9. Worse news: upgrade has led to chronic error. Nooo… #
- Well, fixed the iTunes error — but upgrade to 9.0.2 seems to have physically deleted numerous music files. Backed up, but, boo. #
- Backblaze is helping me restore all the music files/albums iTunes upgrade deleted. But long, tedious, and extremely irksome. #
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What did you do to piss off iTunes like that? It didn’t do that to my home computer or the one at work.
It’s possible that it was iTunes previously messing up the migration from my old PC to my new PC, only coming clear now. Still, irksome. But, I think, finally fixed.
Migration, as in from Vista to Win7?
No, moving my music library from my work (only) laptop to my new laptop.