Links (most recent first) that caught my eye, but did not warrant full-blown blog entries ….
- Schlafly: Feminists are “Bitter, Unhappy and not Successful Women” – Strikes me that Schlafly is “bitter and unhappy” — but, alas, successful (using continued media attention as the criterion).
- Republicans Compromise on Ideological Test – The Caucus Blog – – Well, a bit of sanity prevails … I’ll be curious to see how this plays in some ideological purist quarters.
- Hatch Vows Reconciliation Will Lead To Permanent “War” Between Parties — But He Backed Many Reconciliation Bills – “Despotic grabs for power for me, but not for thee.”
- Boehner Feigns Ignorance That His GOP Retreat Is Attended By Goldman Sachs, Other Corporate Lobbyists – Best government money can buy!
- Axelrod Struggles To Explain Why Obama’s Spending Freeze Doesn’t Include Defense Funding – Especially if you consider that a “spending freeze” is a policy, not a legal restriction, and meaningful emergencies can (just like the Afghan and Iraqi wars in the first place) be taken “off the books” or addressed regardless of the policy.
- Jury Convicts Abortion Activist Of Murder – Good.
- Why I Don’t Check Voicemail Anymore – It occurs to me that vmail systems try to be too many things. They have too many options (thus requiring an elaborate menu tree), they speak way too slowly, and they try to give way too much envelope information … all of which gets in the way of the actual message.
- More schools jump on “no-recess” recess bandwagon – Gee, kids see recess as “free time” and push limits of irresponsible behavior … and we’re going to solve this by trying to impose something that makes it a “valuable learning experience.” Um … yeah, tell me how trying to cork that bottle works for you long about 1:30 pm or so …
- Inaction Comics – Look! Up on the Hill! It’s Democratic Supermajority!
- Adobe speaks up about Flash on the iPad – I’m not thrilled about the iPad not supporting Flash — but, on the other hand, I think Flash sucks, so clearly I’m conflicted on this point.
- The Chess Master and the Computer – The New York Review of Books – A fascinating article by Kasparov about the effect of man-vs-machine competitions in chess, esp. now that machines can, generally speaking, win.
- Asset Forfeiture Insanity – Again : Dispatches from the Culture Wars – Forfeiture laws are a great exemplar of Unintended Consequences and the dangers of what the law incents. In this case, theft (in a “good cause”) from the innocent.
- Don’t drink, drive, kill someone, drink, post on Facebook – People still tend to think of their online life as separate and secret from their real lives. They aren’t, unless you take a lot of conscious precautions (and even then nothing is guaranteed). Never post anything that you wouldn’t want your boss, your mom, your SO, the government, or a prospective employer to see. Really.
- First Contact – That is, indeed, one of the cool things about STO.
- When You See It… – Heh. Took me many moments to spot it …
- Corporation Runs For Maryland Congressional Seat To Protest SCOTUS Campaign Finance Decision – Well, if corporations are people, with equal political rights …
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