- Okay, I was working for 3 hours in the yard … 6 hours ago. Why the hell am I having sneezing fits now? #
- A very nice M-Day weekend, incl a nice chat with my mom. Looking fwd to their visit at end of month. #
- Got all the front yard plants from the plant sale planted; back yard (incl cleanout) will have to wait to next weekend. #
- RT @sekimori 100 Word Stories is back on the air! http://100wordstories.com/ Today's theme: Resurrection Join us! // Woot! #
- Doing Write: 100 Words – "They Always Come Back" http://bit.ly/c1Wzda #
- Official Forms all faxed off to respective Girl Scout camps. K's going to have a lot of fun this summer. #
- RT @BillWillingham: I am saddened by the passing of Frank Frazetta today. He was an inspiration unmatched. #
- RT @warrenellis: Frank Frazetta, artist who defined a genre, died today. http://bit.ly/9nioCD #
- So now the next big Droid questions: what sort of case / clip / cover / screen protector to get. Lots of accessories out there! #
- Apparently the In-laws managed to slip past new flight-cancelling volcanic ash clouds on their way back from France. Huzzah! #
- RT @denver_weather: Weather News: Forecasters split on severity of midweek snowstorm http://dpo.st/a4S15v #
- This month in M&K's International Cooking Project, we're on England. Tonight, Toad-in-a-Hole! #
- 9750 Words on Elena Kagan http://bit.ly/d1F8QQ [[Huge info-dump on Kagan. This is what the Internet is for (plus, y'know …) #
- Okay, Toad-in-the-Hole a la Margie is … um … an indictment against every criticism of classic English cooking. Yum. #
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