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Unblogged Bits (Tue. 8-Jun-10 2000)

Links (most recent first) that caught my eye, but did not warrant full-blown blog entries ….

  1. At least the walruses are safe, and any day now @Nifty will save the Gulf [Pharyngula] – And I suspect their plans are as complex, complete, and thorough as any other oil company out there. Jeez.
  2. Coming soon: Blackwater Pro Shops with indoor firing ranges. – I hear a theme park is in the works …
  3. After taking $96K from oil and gas firms, Toomey pushes for more offshore drilling. – Lordy, are we still trotting out the “ANWR has enough oil to ensure our domestic needs” old saw?
  4. Terrorists figure out how to get America to attack itself: leave harmless, “suspicious” bags around – We have so many other ways that we live with the possibility of crime that we do not let rule our lives — we don’t treat every pedestrian as a likely mugger or visitor to a shop as a robber (or, to the extent we do, we manage to live with the cautions taken). Surely we can come up with something that keeps us from going into a panicked tizzy every time someone leaves an object behind.
  5. Crime in San Francisco displayed as elevation – This is a very interesting visualization.
  6. Dutch court rules that discussing piracy is the same as committing piracy – While I would not encourage piracy as a matter of routine, making discussion about piracy — even the mention of where pirated materials might be, links or not — seems wrong to me. I understand the sentiment, but cannot approve of the methods.
  7. Book Note: Founding Faith – I’ve read this book, and it’s excellent. The summary here is solid, and matches up with much of my other reading on the subject.
  8. White House Endorses Unlimited Liability Cap For Oil Spillers – Unlimited liability means that the true cost of oil production would be actually recognized and paid for up front, rather than absorbed by the populace and government afterward.
  9. Reid Confirms: Energy and Climate Bill Dropping Climate Piece – Yes, let’s not let the fate of the planet keep us from satisfying political considerations.
  10. The Complete Guide to Creating a Consolidated, Master Contact List [Annoyances] – It’s not tough pulling contacts together — it’s getting them back out to the applications that’s a PitA. Whoever ends up really skinning this cat on the PC and Web space (vs. on, say, a phone, since my Android has an integrated “People” system across Gmail, Exchange, Facebook, etc.) will have a lot of undying thanks. I’d say it’s the most significant lack in the current computing world.
  11. Amazing pencil drawings – Wow. Just … wow.
  12. The Legacy of War – “The legacy of war remains written into the landscape of Europe in a way that’s not really understandable to Americans.” For all that we still obsess over the Civil War, and the Revolution before that, they’ve become more socio-political phenomena today than real blood and bullets and devastation, still in living memory of many still living in Europe. Perhaps that’s one reason why the WTC destruction struck us so hard.
  13. Helen Thomas, Christopher Hitchens, and being wrong – I think the world would be a much better place if people were willing to consider that they might, in fact, be wrong. It’s something I try to practice myself, and it is (ironically, perhaps) a significant element of my faith.
  14. Gamers Have Reactions Of Fighter Pilots, Bodies Of 60-Year Old Chain Smokers
  15. Reagan’s liberal legacy, cont’d – “The point is that the GOP has shifted so quickly and aggressively to the hard-right that the party has nothing but disdain for Reagan’s actual policies. The notion that today’s GOP would have the slightest tolerance for a Republican candidate with Reagan’s record is practically laughable.”
  16. Dominion v. Faithful Presence: Forces Battle For The Soul Of Evangelicalism « The Wall of Separation – Jesus seemed to spend a lot of time trying to assert that the Kingdom on Earth was not one of empire and political power. Why, then, do the Dominionist Christians keep trying to grab for such worldy control?
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