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Unblogged Bits (Thu. 17-Jun-10 0200)

Links (most recent first) that caught my eye, but did not warrant full-blown blog entries ….

  1. strip for June / 15 / 2010 – I am afraid this is what watching a movie with me is like.
  2. Why are you wasting my time? : White Coat Underground – This is not only good advice for doctors, but for managers, help desk folks, parents …
  3. Jon Stewart on Obama’s broken civil liberties promises
  4. Booman Tribune ~ A Progressive Community – Because the best way to grow the economy, increase consumer spending, and put an end to the foreclosure crisis is to effectively cut off unemployment, right?
  5. Outrage of the Week: 14 y.o. Arrested for “Abduction” Of Toddler He Helped – This is a tragedy, not for what happened, but for what will not happen next time. “When we react to our fellow human beings with the very worst, most vile assumptions first, we are less and less apt to reach out and help each other. That’s not a safer world. It’s the opposite.”
  6. Doug Kendall: President Washington Would Have Squashed Rick Barber Like a Grape: Doug Kendall
  7. Getting at a Tiny Portion of the Truth in Obama’s Speech : Casaubon’s Book – Money graf: “The speech that needs to be given hasn’t happened yet, and every year it gets harder to give. It begins with the classic acknowledgement that good physicians give ‘this is going to hurt.’ And it explains why – why the greater good comes from endurance. It begins acknowledging that everyone wasted a golden opportunity, and that now our choices are governed by material physical realities – that we face the pain of living with what is possible, rather than what is desirable. It includes both a call to build what renewable energies we can, and also the acknowledgment that we will not be living anything like the present American way of life. It involves a real call to sacrifice – the kind of sacrifice past generations endured in incredibly difficult times, the kinds of sacrifice that cost them a great deal, but for a vastly greater goal. It probably involves unpalatable words like ‘rationing.’ It will involve admitting fault and responsibility, and then moving on, telling the public what they need to know, but also engaging them in the project of creating a future for their children and grandchildren.” And the reason you haven’t heard that speech yet from Obama is that the denialists — who are convinced that the whole global warmning thing is some sort of Anti-American, Anti-Christian, Master Conspiracy of Greens, Atheists, Pointy-Headed Intellectuals and Communists Who Hate America will have exactly the same reaction to the idea that we can’t simply drill our way to prosperity.
  8. US record labels starts fake “citizen’s group” to support Canada’s DMCA – Man, I really hate it (perhaps to an irrational degree) when corporations resort to this sort of lying in order to subvert the democratic process.
  9. Suspended animation is no longer a pipe dream – Kinda cool. Um, so to speak.
  10. Arugula: The beef of the vegetarian world – I am old enough to remember when we moved to Colorado when I was in high school, and, in the winter, you just didn’t get very good vegetables or fruits, and certainly nothing out-of-season. Today, my local Safeway here carries the much the same veggie selection year-round as a store in California. And, yes, that’s convenient, but not terribly “green.”
  11. The latest Patriot scam: Move into foreclosed homes, squat and claim them as your own – Crikey. Though I’m sure Rand Paul would be happy to create an alternative title company for them.
  12. 20 Things I Wish I’d Known at 20 – There’s a lot of good advice here regardless of your age.
  13. Ocean once covered the northern third of Mars – Waiting for someone to use this for a fantasy map …
  14. Rand Paul isn’t into being “Board Certified”. Why bother when he can make up his own organization? – I think Rand has some Authority Issues. Wonder what his dad thinks.
  15. Long-rumored “GDrive” a reality thanks to Memeo Connect 2.0 – Doesn’t appear, on the face of it, to give me anything I don’t already get from Dropbox — except that Google Docs integration, which is kind of keen-sounding.
  16. Lambeth Palace tells presiding bishop not to wear symbol of office – Episcopal Life Online – My. That was pretty darned rude of the ABC.
  17. REMAKES – Very Demotivational – Ha!
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