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Unblogged Bits (Tue. 6-Jul-10 0801)

Links (most recent first) that caught my eye, but did not warrant full-blown blog entries ….

  1. Big oil avoiding new taxes when they currently get away with fiscal murder – You know, for all the nattering about how we must REDUCE THE DEFICIT, removing some of these ridiculous tax breaks on the oil industry (which shift the cost from the pump to April 15th each year) would SEEM like something that all the deficit hawks could get behind. Right? Right? [Crickets chirp in the quiet background.]
  2. The sky according to Planck – Gorgeous.
  3. The Bible Belt can never improve if everyone refuses to question religion – Wow. Certainly the most depressing video I’ve seen in several days.
  4. July 05, 2010 – This is an awesome idea …
  5. Mike Huckabee on the Vandalized Atheist Billboard – I agree fully with Mr. Huckabee — the marketplace of ideas is one of the great strengths of America. I also agree with the poster that Mr. Huckabee ignored the question about folks vandalizing that very marketplace.
  6. Jill Lawrence: Liberals Need To Wave The Flag More To Prove They’re Patriotic – (1) Change the subject to religion. Would anyone argue that the only truly faithful folks are the ones who stand on the street corners and loudly shout their prayers? Um, didn’t Jesus have something to say about that? (2) FWIW, I, an unabashed liberal, had my flag up on Sunday. Of course, as a once-Catholic, now-Episcopalian, I’m a big believer in ritual …
  7. Bush era agency concluded that deepwater drilling in Gulf posed little risk to wildlife – Risk management has two components: (a) What is the likelihood of a risk (in this case, a blow-out of a deep-water oil well, it was, yes, pretty low, based on limited historic data), and (b) what is the impact if the risk goes bad (which was the part that seems to have been ignored).
  8. Otters help their elderly (sometimes) – I love otters. Were I into a simplistic “I want to come back as” sort of reincarnation belief, otters would be at or around the top of my list.
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