Links (most recent first) that caught my eye, but did not warrant full-blown blog entries ….
- Christian Book Urges Men To Be “Dangerous”, Inspires Murderous Gang – Yeah, sounds like just what Jesus would do.
- The Laughter Curve – “The average unemployment check in America is $293 which, when multiplied by fifty-two weeks, is $15,236 per year which is very close to $150,000 if you round up, so everyone should quit their jobs! Yay! Funemployment!”
- CNS STORY: New iPad application won’t replace liturgical books, creator says – This is actually kind of interesting. But while the idea of a Mass being celebrated off of an iPad makes me blink and ponder for a moment, I’m wryly amused by the, um, less-than-enthusiastic response by the Liturgical Powers that Be in the Church.
- Vitter: Furer Handled Abortion, Just Not ‘Women’s Affairs’ (VIDEO) | TPMDC – “It’s difficult to say whether Vitter’s parsing here, or whether we’re getting a candid conservative view that abortion is not in fact a woman’s issue.” Or perhaps both.
- BBC News – Germany officials launch legal action against Facebook – Not terribly surprising. Europeans are much more sensitive than the US to personal privacy rights vs. businesses, though less so vs. government (the US is the opposite).
- Where did “soccer” come from? – I did not know that. Cool.
- 10 things I wish I had known about web designing 10 years ago | Blog | Graphic and Web Designer London UK – Nothing earthshattering, but generally good advice.
- Liberty Counsel: Churches May Have to Give Up Tax Exemptions to Save America From Turning Into “Communist Romania” – Wait — is Matt Saver saying that churches don’t need tax exemption because “God will provide”? Wow, now there’s an idea for reducing the deficit …
- Daniels: “Atheism Leads to Brutality” and Will Destroy America – I love people who say Group X is entitled to be treated the same as anyone else, regardless of their opinion, only to follow with a dire warning of how really very dangerous Group X is.
- The World According to Barton: Examining The Biblical Foundations of our Government – Perhaps even the Devil can quote Scripture to his own purposes — but I strongly suspect he’d do a much better job of it than David Barton.
- Stephen Moore calls for raising taxes on the poor in order to pay for tax cuts for the rich. – Let them pay for us to eat cake!
- Boehner Invites Lobbyists To Help Form GOP Agenda In Intimate Meeting At His Office – Look it’s “The-Only-Americans-We-Care-About Speaking Out” initiative!
- Boston Ruling Targets Federal Gay Marriage Ban : NPR – An interesting ruling. There’s the violation of Equal Protection, which makes sense (i.e., I agree with it). There’s also the whole “states can define marriage as they choose” part, which may be a two-edged sword for gay rights activists.
- Cello In A Box: In This Case, Smaller Is Better : NPR – This one’s for Dad — hey, this might make your next car purchase decision a lot easier!
- Developers increasingly have Android on the brain – While I am not an appaholic, I have yet to look for an Android app that I couldn’t find.
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