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Unblogged Bits (Fri. 9-Jul-10 0200)

Links (most recent first) that caught my eye, but did not warrant full-blown blog entries ….

  1. Christian Book Urges Men To Be “Dangerous”, Inspires Murderous Gang – Yeah, sounds like just what Jesus would do.
  2. The Laughter Curve – “The average unemployment check in America is $293 which, when multiplied by fifty-two weeks, is $15,236 per year which is very close to $150,000 if you round up, so everyone should quit their jobs! Yay! Funemployment!”
  3. CNS STORY: New iPad application won’t replace liturgical books, creator says – This is actually kind of interesting. But while the idea of a Mass being celebrated off of an iPad makes me blink and ponder for a moment, I’m wryly amused by the, um, less-than-enthusiastic response by the Liturgical Powers that Be in the Church.
  4. Vitter: Furer Handled Abortion, Just Not ‘Women’s Affairs’ (VIDEO) | TPMDC – “It’s difficult to say whether Vitter’s parsing here, or whether we’re getting a candid conservative view that abortion is not in fact a woman’s issue.” Or perhaps both.
  5. BBC News – Germany officials launch legal action against Facebook – Not terribly surprising. Europeans are much more sensitive than the US to personal privacy rights vs. businesses, though less so vs. government (the US is the opposite).
  6. Where did “soccer” come from? – I did not know that. Cool.
  7. 10 things I wish I had known about web designing 10 years ago | Blog | Graphic and Web Designer London UK – Nothing earthshattering, but generally good advice.
  8. Liberty Counsel: Churches May Have to Give Up Tax Exemptions to Save America From Turning Into “Communist Romania” – Wait — is Matt Saver saying that churches don’t need tax exemption because “God will provide”? Wow, now there’s an idea for reducing the deficit …
  9. Daniels: “Atheism Leads to Brutality” and Will Destroy America – I love people who say Group X is entitled to be treated the same as anyone else, regardless of their opinion, only to follow with a dire warning of how really very dangerous Group X is.
  10. The World According to Barton: Examining The Biblical Foundations of our Government – Perhaps even the Devil can quote Scripture to his own purposes — but I strongly suspect he’d do a much better job of it than David Barton.
  11. Stephen Moore calls for raising taxes on the poor in order to pay for tax cuts for the rich. – Let them pay for us to eat cake!
  12. Boehner Invites Lobbyists To Help Form GOP Agenda In Intimate Meeting At His Office – Look it’s “The-Only-Americans-We-Care-About Speaking Out” initiative!
  13. Boston Ruling Targets Federal Gay Marriage Ban : NPR – An interesting ruling. There’s the violation of Equal Protection, which makes sense (i.e., I agree with it). There’s also the whole “states can define marriage as they choose” part, which may be a two-edged sword for gay rights activists.
  14. Cello In A Box: In This Case, Smaller Is Better : NPR – This one’s for Dad — hey, this might make your next car purchase decision a lot easier!
  15. Developers increasingly have Android on the brain – While I am not an appaholic, I have yet to look for an Android app that I couldn’t find.
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